Our vegetable seed calculator may be just what you need. Corn yield calculator To find out how much corn your field produced, enter the following information into our corn yield estimator: The number of kernels per ear in your 1/1000 acre sample. The number of ears of corn in your 1/...
1. Average yield per acre of corn: 1900 [electronic resource]: 2. Average yield per acre of oats: 1900United States Census Office
States with sizable drops in high yield entries compared to 2023 included Nebraska, Tennessee, and Virginia. Pioneer® brand products were used in 310 NCGA National Corn Yield Contest entries that topped 300 bu/acre in 2023, the most of any seed brand (Figure 2), as well as 191 state-...
Record levels of non-land costs are projected for 2022. History would suggest that there is the possibility of decreases in future years. To illustrate, per acre costs for fertilizer, seed, and pesticides are shown in the following three sections for corn. These three costs account for about ...
These values are based upon seed weights measured from corn grown in Mississippi and correspond with 241g per 1000 kernels for 0.0095 and 343g per 1000 kernels for 0.0135. This value will have a dramatic effect on the accuracy of the estimate, so adjust your calculations accordingly. The old...
One dropped ear per 100 feet of row or two corn kernels per square foot or equals about 1 bushel per acre yield loss. The bottom line is that the longer corn stays in the field, the greater the likelihood of substantial field losses and complications. Lodging caused by storms can ...
Switching to strip-till offered him the opportunity to increase yield potential without jeopardizing return on investment (ROI) or soil health. The ability to precisely place fertilizer and create an optimal seedbed in one pass were two key reasons Hula decided to give the system a try. ...
Each producer was asked questions of the number of inputs used from cultivation to harvesting such as diesel fuel (liters), machinery use (h), chemical fertilizers (kgs), biocides (kgs), seed (kgs), and yield (kgs). The selection of these farmers has been made through a five-stage ...
The yield dataset utilized in this study, provided by Syngenta (Syngenta is an international leading science-based agtech company https://www.syngenta.com/en/company (accessed on 10 October 2023)), comprises direct measurements of corn yield obtained from seed production fields. These fields are ...
How to lower soybean seed costs Seed costs for soybeans are determined by the cost of seed purchased (or saved from the previous crop), seed size (seeds per pound), and seeding rate (per acre). Cost per bag of purchased seed is determined by the seed company based on t... K Whigham...