1. Average yield per acre of corn: 1900 [electronic resource]: 2. Average yield per acre of oats: 1900United States Census Office
作者: G Schnitkey 摘要: The article outlines the most prevalent comments and questions regarding the suggested cost reductions of $100 per acre of the farmdocDaily website of the University of Illinois to avoid losses on the 2016 corn and soybean production. 年份: 2015 收藏...
Nitrogen fertilizer application timing of NCGA National Corn Yield Contest entries exceeding 300 bu/acre in 2024. Nitrogen Management Class A new feature of the NCGA National Corn Yield Contest in 2023 was the addition of the Nitrogen Management Class (Class J). Entrants in this class are require...
Potential Declines in Production Costs in 2023 Record levels of non-land costs are projected for 2022. History would suggest that there is the possibility of decreases in future years. To illustrate, per acre costs for fertilizer, seed, and pesticides are shown in the following three sections fo...
This analysis assumed the use of a 65 HP pump and an average application time of 0.67 h per acre. Table 3. Cost of farm inputs and crop prices in the recent (2022) times. Empty CellRecent Fertilizer Cost ($ N per kg) 2.5 Fuel Cost ($) 5.5 Corn Price ($ per kg) 0.3 ...
Finally, we visually identified the criteria that provided the most accuracy with the least cost to coverage by plotting accuracy vs. percent of pixels unable to meet the requirement. Table 3. Summary of six alternative satellite observation window criteria. Median and interquartile range (IQR) ...
We therefore considered it important to evaluate LST as an input variable in our task of early season crop yield prediction. When it comes to yield estimation methods, mechanistic crop growth models are the standard choice, as they are designed and calibrated to simulate yield formation processes ...
Time, labor, land, and chemical inputs were some of the most frequently highlighted barriers to diversified agriculture, after economics. In particular, the time and effort required for diversification, limited labor availability, and the high cost and low availability of land were often underlined ...
Notably, this year’s treatment utilized the advanced DJI Agras T50, a newly approved, higher-end model, replacing the DJI Agras T30 used in 2023. As in the previous year, adult captures were inconclusive, likely due to migration from neighboring vineyards. ...
To maintain this level of caloric intake and also keep pace with global population growth, yields per acre from each of these crops will have to increase at least 1.5 percent every year, given that the supply of cultivated land is diminishing. Therefore, the government should increase funding ...