21.9 Points per Watt (16%) + 1 benchmarks and specifications + Show comparison chart - Range of benchmark values for this graphics card - Average benchmark values for this graphics card* Smaller numbers mean a higher performance v1.29Reviews...
The CIE color coordinate values were identical to each other with 0.33 for x and 0.62 for y. FiFgiugruer1e01. 0E.leEcletrcotrluomluminiensecsecnecnec(eE(LE)Ls)psepctercatroafo4f,44-,4b′i-sb(iNs(-Np-hpehneynly-1l--1n-anpahpthhtyhlyalmaminion)ob)ibpihpehneynly(lN(NPBP)B, )...
The samples were diluted using double-distilled water before measuring at 298 K, using the cumulant method to obtain the Dh and PDI values and the Smoluchowski approximation for the ζ-potentials. UV-Visible spectrophotometry was performed to ascertain the presence of the surface plasmon resonance ...
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The spirobifluorene core can provide certain characteristics like higher triplet energy, elevated glass transition temperature, stable decomposition temperature and matching of frontier molecular orbital (FMO) energy values with adjacent layers. The higher triplet energy of spirobifluorene caused by ...