However, in copper and nickel in all concentrations indicated very low tolerance revealed by the very low tolerance index values of 0–0.39. Measurement of dry weight of mycelium in liquid environment Examining the results of measuring the dry weight of mycelia in the liquid culture medium showed...
The Eg values oTf TshahemeEpEglgvevsaalculauenessbooeffsosabamtmapipnleleesdscbcaaynnebbxeteoraobpbtaotailnainetiedndgbbytyheeexxtlritnaraepaporolapltaoitnirngtigothntheoelfilnpineloaeratsrpporotritoinonofofpploltosts at a = 0. As shoawat tnaa=in=0F.0i.AgAussrsehsho5bow,wntnhineincFaiF...
These values indicate that more than the half of the Pt surface was free from Ru species, falling in the suitable range for the best catalytic activity of the Pt-Ru/C catalysts in front of the CO, methanol and ethanol oxidation, which were about 0.25–0.3 for the Pt-Ru/C catalysts ...
It confers a positive charge to the NiO/Ni particles which allows the use of cathodic deposition. To evaluate the pH of the work, zeta potential measurements were carried out at different values (from acid to basic). At this pH, the maximum amount of adsorbed additive was determined and ...