Business Name: ( McDonalds ) Is protected by a trademarkIs not protected by a copyright Product Name: ( Crest Toothpaste ) Is protected by a trademarkIs not protected by a copyright Unique Service: ( FedEx ) Is protected by a trademarkIs not protected by a copyright ...
Your business has a name, and it also needs to have its own recognizable logo in order to establish a visual representation of your brand. The logo needs to perfectly reflect your company’s market niche and brand personality. It should also be unique enough to differentiate your company from...
The protection of Intellectual property often goes unnoticed by business owners. Very few business or startup owners understand the importance of safeguarding their Intellectual Property in the long run. Therefore, it is vital for a business owner, a startup owner, a creative person, or an invent...
In plain words, this can be your business name, logo, brand mascot, or product name. However, you cannot register your own name as apersonal brandunless it is truly unique and widely recognized, such as Marks & Spencer, Johnsons & Johnsons, or Calvin Klein. It is important to remember t...
Copyright - The Small Business Computer GuideELSEVIERSmall Business Computer Guide
You cannot copyright a business name because copyright protections don’t extend to titles, slogans, short phrases, or logos. Can I trademark my business name? You can trademark your company name, as well as any logos, design elements, or marketing phrases unique to your
The best way to protect your business is to start with filing your application. Of course it can take weeks or months to trademark your logo and name, but you're protected from the moment you filed the application! Looking to trademark you logo and brand name? Use TheTrademarkFactory, pr...
Your website’s content is valuable, especially if it’s tied to your income. Therefore, protecting it from people who might want to copy and redistribute it without your permission is vital. This will help you maintain your site’s and business’ integrity, and avoid missing out on revenue...
Step 19: Mail Certificate:This is the name and address to which the registration certificate should be mailed. After you complete the registration, you will receive by post a letter of confirmation stating that your book has been officially registered. Keep this certificate with your important docu...
So, if you yearn to boost your brand, you must obtain a registered Trademark for your business name, logos, slogans, etc. Trademark confers authenticity to your brand, ensuring no one else can exploit your unique identity. Now, let's talk about the symbols that signify these protections. Th...