The most important reason to use a trademark or copyright is to protect the intellectual property and assets of your business. Many companies underestimate the value of their intellectual property. This is a mistake. Understanding trademarks and enforcing them is especially important for a new company...
In plain words, this can be your business name, logo, brand mascot, or product name. However, you cannot register your own name as apersonal brandunless it is truly unique and widely recognized, such as Marks & Spencer, Johnsons & Johnsons, or Calvin Klein. It is important to remember t...
Epic tale of kings, queens, magic, super humans, warriors, and spies. The author asks for your e-mail address to start reading. OF RENEGADES * * *Emma Gabor 60% of the story is there. To read the rest, follow instrucions...
Injunctive relief, which stops the infringer from continuing to use your protected work. Monetary damages, such as for revenue you’ve lost because another retailer used your brand name or slogan to pry customers away from your business. Common misconceptions about trademarks and copyrights The fo...
25. Making Your Mark blog Blog + Follow Blog Perspectives & Legal developments in Trademarks, Copyrights, Domain Disputes, Unfair Competition, and more. Some sub-topics cover Criminal Liability, Defamation, Right of Publicity, Privacy, and Licensi...
Easily find all the copyright free images you could possibly need for your website, blogs or social media posts with this one-stop list of resources.
For example, making a copy of a software program to install it on anothercomputeris not fair use, while making a backup copy to avoid business disruption due to theft, loss or damage is usually considered a fair use. In the world of popular music, the boundaries of fair use have been ...
Writing the text for your book immediately creates copyright rights. Then you must register a claim and include a copyright notice to copyright your book.
(CCMOA), a collective licensing body shall establish an internal control system with respect to personnel matters, finances and business operations, and it shall file the details of such system and its royalty rates with TIPO for the record. It furthermore shall file an internal control ...
Once you submit your work, you’ll receive a digital certificate that will show the date and time your logo was received, your name, business name (if any) and an assigned unique reference number. This acts as an effective deterrent to copyright theft and for increased copyright protection, ...