-- click to change the text on the button 点击改变按钮上的文字 --> <script> function change(){ var lable = $("#change").text().trim(); if(lable == "Hide") { $("#glyphicons_halflingsregular").text("Copy"); } else { $("#change").text("Copied"); } } </script> </body...
window.clipboardData.setData("Text",clipBoardContent);} 3、点击文本框时,复制文本框里面的内容 <input onclick="oCopy(this)"value="你好.要copy的内容!"> <script language="javascript">function oCopy(obj){ obj.select(); js=obj.createTextRange(); js.execCommand("Copy") alert("复制成功!"); }...
3、直接复制 url<input type="button" name="anniu2" onClick='copyUrl()' value="复制URL地址"> <script language="javascript">functioncopyUrl(){varclipBoardContent=this.location.href; window.clipboardData.setData("Text",clipBoardContent); alert("复制成功!"); }</script> 4、点击文本框时,复制文本...
<input type="button" name="anniu2" onClick='copyUrl()' value="复制URL地址"> <script language="javascript"> function copyUrl(){ var clipBoardContent=this.location.href; window.clipboardData.setData("Text",clipBoardContent); alert("复制成功!"); ...
<textareacols="20"rows="10"id="biao1">用户定义的代码区域</textarea><inputtype="button"onClick="copyUrl2()"value="点击复制代码"/> 原理:点击按钮的时候触发copyUrl2函数,根据biao1 ID选中对象,然后在根据execCommand复制选中内容,所以此时选择的内容必须是...
Learn how to copy text to the clipboard with JavaScript.Click on the button to copy the text from the text field.Copy text Copy Text to ClipboardStep 1) Add HTML:Example <!-- The text field --><input type="text" value="Hello World" id="myInput"> <!-- The button used to copy ...
When building some pages that display code, a common requirement is to click a button to copy the page's code into the clipboard. At present@vueuse/corethis Vue combined API tool library providesuseClipboardmethod to support the copy clipboard function, which can be implemented using the browse...
.tooltip:hover .tooltiptext { visibility: visible; opacity: 1; } </style> </head> <body> <input type="text" value="I need help!" id="myInput"> <div class="tooltip"> <button onclick="myFunction()" onmouseout="outFunc()"> ...
<inputref={clipboard.target}value="a text to copy"/>;<buttononClick={clipboard.copy}/>; Optionally,copytakes astringto perform the copy action imperatively (programmatically). When this is used, thetargetelement (if set) will be ignored. ...