www.baidu.com //复制functioncopyText(text) {vartextArea = document.createElement("textarea");//textArea.style['display']='none'textArea.style['position'] = 'absolute'textArea.style['top'] = '0'textArea.style['left'] = '0'textArea.value=text; document.body.appendChild(textArea);...
JS复制文本到剪切板 copyText util.copyText = function (text) { var textArea = document.createElement("textarea"); // textArea.style['display']='none' textArea.style['position'] = 'absolute' textArea.style['top'] = '0' textArea.style['left'] = '0' textArea.value = text; document...
function copyText(text) { var textArea = document.createElement("textarea"); // textArea.style['display']='none' textArea.style['position'] = 'absolute' textArea.style['top'] = '0' textArea.style['left'] = '0' textArea.value = text; document.body.appendChild(textArea); textArea....
const textArea = document.createElement("textarea"); textArea.value = JSON.stringify(geometries); // 使text area不在viewport,同时设置不可见 document.body.appendChild(textArea); textArea.focus(); textArea.select(); new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // 执行复制命令并移除文本框 document.exec...
Copy text to the clipboard in modern browsers(0.2 kB) Try it out! Comparison This module:0.2 kB clipboard.js: 3.4 kB Install npm install copy-text-to-clipboard Usage importcopyfrom'copy-text-to-clipboard';button.addEventListener('click',()=>{copy('🦄🌈');}); ...
Extend the power of multiple selections in Sublime Text. Modify selections, insert numeric sequences, incremental numbers, generate uuids, date ranges, insert continuously from a word list and more. python editor sublime sublime-text sublime-text-plugin copy-paste uuid-generator number-range increment...
newClipboardJS('.btn', { text:function(trigger){returntrigger.getAttribute('aria-label'); } }); For use in Bootstrap Modals or with any other library that changes the focus you'll want to set the focused element as thecontainervalue. ...
importcopyfrom'copy-to-clipboard';copy('Text');// Copy with optionscopy('Text',{debug:true,message:'Press #{key} to copy',}); API copy(text: string, options: object): boolean— tries to copy text to clipboard. Returnstrueif no additional keystrokes were required from user (so,execComm...
copy(text[, callback]): asynchronously replaces the current contents of the clip board withtext. Takes either a string, array, object, or readable stream. Returns the same value passed in. Optional callback will fire when the copy operation is complete. ...
CopyShareify-js provides multiple ways to select the text to be copied or shared: String: You can directly specify a string value to be copied or shared. HTML Input Selector: You can select the text from an - HTML input element by providing the input selector. ...