The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM) as an intervention to improve active parent participationOlijve WGReinders-Messelink HANijhuis BJGVan de Zandt-Van Reenen RMDe Blécourt ACEPostema KDevelopmental Medicine & Child Neurology
outcome_copm Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM) 4th Edition Developers:Law M, Baptiste S, McColl M, Carswell A, Polatajko H and Pollock, N. Access: Can be ordered from the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists at
COPM-CanadianOccupationalPerformanceMeasure •semi-structuredinterview半结构化的采访•Anindividualizedmeasureofaclient’sselfperceptionofproblemsencounteredinoccupationalperformance.一个个性化的衡量客户在作业表现方面的存在的问题的工具•DesignedforuseinclientcenteredOTpractice被设计用于以顾客为中心的实践中•Intended...
Assessments included the Wolf Motor Function Test (WMFT) and the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM) and were ad 12个社区住宅大人与慢性冲程被随机化了到任一根双边胳膊训练棒节目 () 或每天修改了CIMT 6个小时10天加上另外的家庭实践。 评估包括狼马达功能考验 (WMFT) 和加拿大职业性工作指标 ...
COPM -- Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (5th edition)Wallis, MartinaErgotherapie & Rehabilitation
Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM): A client- centered interview in parents and children with movement disordersF JessenDepartment of Psychiatry, University Hospital Bonn/GermanyGeorg Thieme Verlag KGNeuropediatrics
COPM, Canadian Occupational Performance MeasureInterdisciplinaryPatient-reported outcome measuresRehabilitationStrokeWCRT, Westlakes Community Rehabilitation TeamObjective: Investigate whether or not patients experienced improved functional outcomes as a result of their admission to rehabilitation, identify whether or...
Canadian occupational performance measurecancer survivorshipmixed methodsOccupational therapy practitioners are uniquely positioned to address the needs of cancer survivors. This study aimed to understand the complex needs of survivors using The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure and in-depth interviewing....
The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM): how does it respond over a 3‐year period for young children with cerebral palsy?active lifestyle in children with CP through physical fitness training (8wks 2x/wk and 8wks 1x/wk) and a lifestyle intervention (counseling and home-based ...