The review began by investigating individualized outcomes measures used within Early Intervention (EI). The Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM) was chosen as it is a widely used goal identification and outcome measurement tool. This paper explores how the COPM is used with young children...
Purpose: Despite encouragement, routine outcome measurement is not standard practice in occupational therapy. This applies across most practice areas and outcome measures, including occupational therapy measures such as the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure. Barriers to using outcome measures have been...
Correlation coefficients for the scores were 0.89 (p < 0.001) for performance and 0.88 (p < 0.001) for satisfaction. Of the individual problems identified with the COPM, 25% or less were present in the standardized measures. Correlations between the scores on the COPM and the standardized ...
This study introduces the application of an instrument, the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM), which is an open-ended questionnaire that allows patients to prioritize their needs and rate their performance in different tasks of daily living as well as their satisfaction in performing ...
designed robust mixed methods studies that employed validated measures and detailed participant accounts, allowing for comparison to other populations and at the same time shedding light on in-group heterogeneity. Ethics approval for this particular study was obtained from the University of Victoria, ...
Murthy broke the peculiar public health silence, identified social media as addictive, and proposed a range of cessation measures, including health risk warning labels on social media platforms. What was, until recently, a battle waged by education authorities and schools to limit, control, or ...
Responses to the question, what occupational health and safety measures are in place at your company? (multiple answers possible). b Health and safety training practices reported by BSOs described in Section 3.2.2. Responses to the question, in the last two years, what occupational health and ...
(iii) a constant-power bout at CP to identify V̇O2at CP. Separate two-way repeated measures Analysis of variance assessed whether V̇O2and PO were affected by index (CP vs. RCP) and cadence (60 vs. 100 rpm). The V̇O2was not affected by index (mean difference (MD) = 73 ...
Management-system components more likely to be in place included system ownership and goals and procedures, whereas measures of performance, a review of measures, and corrective action were less likely to be present. Environmental surveillance and injury reduction were most actively monitored, as ...
InternalResponsibilitySystem内部责任体系 Employerandemployees:雇主和雇员 Knowtheirworkandthehazardsbest最清楚其工作和致危因素Cooperatetoimplementsafetymeasures共同执行安全措施 Employermanagestheworkplacesafely.雇主安全管理工作场所 Employermusttakeallreasonableactionstoprotectthehealthandsafetyofworkers.雇主必须采取所有...