Coping skills training for youth with diabetes mellitus has long-lasting effects on metabolic control and quality of life. J Pediatr 2000;137:107-13.Grey M, Boland EA, Davidson M, Li J, Tamborlane WV. Coping skills training for youth with diabetes mellitus has long-lasting effects on ...
YouthMental HealthCommunityCopingDepressionThis study examined the influence of a physical activity (PA) program (Move Your Mood) on children and adolescents receiving services in community mentalhealth clinics. Participants (N = 35) were referred to the (PA) program bytheir mental health therapist....
In the present study, exercising outdoors and learning new skills were associated with lower odds for fear of contracting COVID-19. Learning new skills can buffer the detrimental effects of stress through access to new information, knowledge, and skills to enhance feelings of competency, self-effic...
On the role of mindfulness and compassion skills in students' coping, well-being, and development across the transition to college: A conceptual analysis socioemotional competencies and supporting the development of adaptive appraisal and coping resources, including processes antecedent and consequent to a...
In addition to the wide-ranging research findings that are reported, many of the chapters consider implications and applications of the relevant findings with suggestions for the development of coping skills and coping skills training. "Adolescent Coping" will be of interest to students of psychology...
Building self-esteem, coping skills, and changing cognitive distortions. Introduction: Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder which can develop after exposure to any event which results psychological trauma. Depression is one of the most common co-morbid conditions associated with...
The ACTION Workbooks and accompanying Therapist Manuals offer a sequential, step-wise program to teach 9 to 14-year-olds skills for overcoming depression. The ACTION Therapist Manual describes a 20-session group treatment program, and the ACTION Workbooks (there are separate workbooks for girls and...
social support and coping skills1. Especially interesting from a prevention perspective, are a special kind of protective factors called ‘resilience factors’; these are relatively stable predispositions that increase the likelihood of resilient responses to stressors, such as emotion regulation capacity,...
Stress, depression, and anxiety are prevalent issues among SME employees during the COVID-19 pandemic. Even while having meaningful work that expressively contributes to individual growth has been related to improving mental health, employees’ work may
Lazarus and Folkman (1984) suggested that selection of coping strategies is related to individual-level variables, such as perceived personal resources and social skills to effectively cope with the situation at hand. Thus, individual differences in shy children’s self-appraisals in the face of soc...