Shelton, Linda
Given that the MNS mediates imitation, action execution, and motor imagery, which all assist in skill learning, deficits in mirror neuron function may underlie the motor difficulties characteristic of DCD. This review aims to extend the initial proposal of MNS dysfunction in children with DCD, by...
Moderation research can examine whether inter-brains CD depends on the individuals (e.g., high-skill vs. low-skill) and teams involved (e.g., homogene- ous vs. heterogeneous), the task (e.g., diachronic vs. interac- tive tasks), and the context (e.g., high pressure vs. low pres...
-30-minutes of continuous fun with skill-specific equipment and safe and effective exercises designed for young children -Action-packed, non-stop fitness class where every child is the focus – no waiting in line! -Exercise emphasizing large muscle groups, motor skills, coordination, balance, resi...
This account puts a strong emphasis on emergent phenomena in economics and related fields. However, it also draws examples from across a broad spectrum of fields, as these often throw a different light on emergence. Markets, for instance, are often compared to ecosystems. For this reason, I ...
In contrast, if in another child the goal of stringing beads were to improve the skill itself, it would be called an activity oriented intervention. If, to take it one step further, the goal were for the child to become better at stringing beads so he can make decorations with his ...
the other team processes emerge and these processes influence one another and TO. These team processes represent parsimonious, unique factorial contributions to the study of “we” and “us” phenomenon related to TO. Finally, it is important to note that any serious attempt to discuss team dynam...
Examples include the “factored” MDP (F-MDP) [7,10] and POMDP (F-POMDP) [8]. Both require an explicit locally interactive structure in the state-space. 3.2. Soft Locally Interactive Structure Multi-agent tracking exhibits a more subtle “soft” form of locally interactive structure. Suppose...