Shelton, Linda
Activities of daily living, self-efficacy and motor skill related fitness and the interrelation in children with moderate and severe Developmental Coordina... Background: Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) are diagnosed based on poor motor skills that impact their daily activities....
The effects of functional training on physical fitness and skill-related performance among basketball players: a systematic review 2024, Frontiers in Physiology Show abstract Effect of an Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rupture on Knee Proprioception Within 2 Years After Conservative and Operative Treatment: A...
Recent literature reviews on GK-specific game demands emphasize the need for multidimensional ability- and skill-related attributes such as quickness, power, as well as several GK-specific technical and tactical skills (West Citation2018; Otte et al. Citation2023). This empirical knowledge about the...
Given that the MNS mediates imitation, action execution, and motor imagery, which all assist in skill learning, deficits in mirror neuron function may underlie the motor difficulties characteristic of DCD. This review aims to extend the initial proposal of MNS dysfunction in children with DCD, by...
When assessing only performance on motor coordination in relation to learning development, it is likely that we would fail to identify associated non-verbal learning disorders, as well as language or mathematics-related skills. Furthermore, as few or no gross motor skill disorders were found to be...
Moderation research can examine whether inter-brains CD depends on the individuals (e.g., high-skill vs. low-skill) and teams involved (e.g., homogene- ous vs. heterogeneous), the task (e.g., diachronic vs. interac- tive tasks), and the context (e.g., high pressure vs. low pres...
-30-minutes of continuous fun with skill-specific equipment and safe and effective exercises designed for young children -Action-packed, non-stop fitness class where every child is the focus – no waiting in line! -Exercise emphasizing large muscle groups, motor skills, coordination, balance, resi...
Home > Fitness Testing > Tests > Coordination > Stick FlipStick Flip Coordination Test The stick flip test is a coordination and general motor skill test. Participants attempt to flip a stick using two other sticks. Stick Flip Coordination Test...
TheJuggling Coordination Testis a simple coordination and general motor skill test. Participants attempt to keep an object in the air, hitting it from hand-to-hand. Juggling Coordination Test test purpose:to measure hand-eye coordination and dexterity. ...