Even though the hard part may be over, no workout is complete until you’ve sufficiently cooled down. A cool-down workout may seem tedious, boring, or just plain hard after wrapping up a hard effort, but it’s a crucial part of training. Here’s why. Why You Should Always Cool Dow...
A cool down is key to recovery. Here, trainer Kayla Itsines recommends her 15 best cool down exercises and cool down stretches for every workout.
The way you cool down after a workout depends on the type of exercise you are doing. Generally, most cool downs include slower, gentler movements and stretching exercises. Here’s how you can do it. You probably want to hop in the shower immediately after your workout. Resist this temptat...
Stretching after working out is super important. It can help prevent injury and muscle soreness. However, sometimes it’s just plain boring to stand and stretch. So, I created this post workout cool down yoga that you can do anywhere. This class is all standing, so no real need for a ...
Once you're in the routine of doing warm up exercises then it'll become second nature. The cool down exercises are just as important. You may want to just get showered and changed after your workout and miss it out. But it's so important that you understand the need for it. ...
How to Do a Cool Down The way that you do a cool down often depends on the type of exercise you did during your workout. Most cool downs last 3–10 minutes and include slower, gentle movements and stretching exercises. For example, to co...
You're running low on time and you just want to leave the gym. Do you really need to cool down after an intense workout?
a series of gentle stretching exercises conducted after strenuous activity in order to allow the heart rate to gradually return to normal Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, ...
Cool-Down Exercises to Add to Your Post-Workout Routine "Cool-down exercises are vital after any strength training or cardio workout," says Bernard. Here, she shares five of her favorite cool-down exercises and stretches that work for any type of workout. She recommends doing these movements...
Note: You should not perform this extensive stretching routine after very intense workouts. A shorter version of the exercises is probably enough. Recommended cool-down routine: • 5-10 minutes of easy running • 3-4 series of stretches • Hold each position for 60 seconds EXERCISE 1: ...