How to Make Pho: Recipe, With Temps for Raw Meat Reading Time:6minutes You may have noticed that this blog tends to speak a lot in superlatives: “the best steak,”“your new favorite,” and “best cut of beef” are all things you can find here. There’s a good reason for it, ...
While Kaia studied, I removed the bone from the pork shoulder (if you ever hear it called pork butt, it is the same thing. “Pork Butt” from the proper name “Boston Butt” is cut from the shoulder). I was technically butchering, but this word usually scares people off. It’s not...
I wanted to know the temps of the meat while smoking. does it work ,sure does ! took the guess work out !had my smoker set up inside of a metal shop building (because of rain) and the unit sent the information into my house about 30yds. away .and...
The tub ended up holding the cold temps really well, so I didn’t go through near the amount of ice as I was planning. Every 6-8 hours I would check in and add more ice as needed. The morning of the roast we took the pig out of the ice and carried him outside to get prepped...