bass baste basted basting batardes batida batidos batter bavarian bavarois bavaroise bay bayless bbq bbqd bbqs beach bean beans beards bearnaise beattys beautiful bechame bechamel beckys bed beef beefburger beefs beefsteak beefy beehive beer beercarbonnades beesting beet beetroot beets beignets belgian...
Cook fish directly in saltedboilingwaterORwrap tightly in greasedheavy-dutyaluminum foil with chopped onion, celery, salt and pepper; place inrapidly boilingwater. Cover pan, return to boil, thenreduceheat to simmer. To poach smoked fillets, cover with cold milk flavored with butter, bay leaf,...
Tongs– these are great for lifting things out of water, or turning thick meat over in a frying pan/skillet, such as salmon fillets. Using tongs means you reduce the risk of damaging the meat as you might do by trying to slide a spatula underneath it. The best ones to buy are ones ...
Roasting cod in the oven is a delicious way to get your healthy fish serving. Cod is a great source of vitamin B12. It also has niacin and phosphorous. Cod is the perfect fish for people working on their weight because it’s high in protein but low in calories. Pole-Caught or Troll-...
The flounder is sold as thin fillets or a whole fish. Depending on your own taste, you can choose any you want to cook. For instance, the fillets are good for sautéing or covering with flour and deep frying. Meanwhile, the whole fish is excellent for roasting, steaming or sautéing. Of...
In conventional cooking using a pan on the stove, the oven, or a barbecue grill, the cooking time is the main variable you have to decide upon. We all know easy rules like bake a turkey for 20 minutes per pound. And even though such methods are not fool proof, we feel comfortable be...
While the earthenware bean pot continued to get good use, the all-purpose clay oven was replaced by the iron dutch oven, by the cast-iron stove and finally by gas, electric and microwave ovens. Good potteries like Bennington in Vermont developed glazed clay cookers early on, but unglazed co...
1 Tablespoon tamarind paste, dissolved in 3 Tbl. warm water 1¾ teaspoon teaspoon sugar salt (to taste) 2 pounds (1 kg) salmon (halibut, or sea bass fillets) small bunch cilantro leaves, torn – as garnish Cooked rice, to ladle the stew over. (Basmati is wonderful with this.) Drop...
Note: Substitute firm fish fillets (e.g., tilapia, bass or salmon), tofu or thin beef strips for the chicken and proceed as above. KALE, BEET AND SEAWEED SALADMakes 8 servings With this dish, I am doing nothing more than grouping the vegetables many of us wouldn’t imagine eating raw...
I read in several places that the tail fillets are the only edible part of this fish; however, online see that it is possible to purchasemonkfish cheeks, apparently from larger fish. I’ve eaten cod tongues, and cheeks. I dry-brined for 30 minutes, and then cooked for 37 minutes with ...