Welcome to The Short Order Cook! Easy home-cooked family-friends recipes with a specialty in Italian, Hawaiian, & Southern food.
Simple – just make some! You’ll need to let it cool before using it to make this easy rice pudding. If you add it to the pan right after cooking, the heat is likely to scramble the eggs.Looking for other easy dessert recipes?
Breakfast,Brunch,Chickpeas,Dinner,Eggs,Lunch,Quick,Vegetarian Poached Eggs in Tomato Sauce with Chickpeas and Feta (Shakshuka) Dinner,Lamb,Lunch,Meats,Side dish Pistachio Masala Lamb Chops with Rosemary Roasted Potatoes Crumble/crisp,Dessert,Fruit,Peaches ...
Bring a large pot of water to a boil over high. Gently place 4 eggs in boiling water; cook 6 minutes and 30 seconds. Quickly remove from water using a spider or slotted spoon, and transfer to a bowl filled with ice water. Let stand until completely cooled, about 10 minutes. Peel eggs...
Subject:A suggestion for recipes that calls for raw eggs Use either a double boiler or you can also use a stainless steel bowl place on top of a boiling pan, beat the eggs and a small amount of milk or cream to avoid curdling. When the eggs mixture started to thicken, remove from the...
Should you add liquid to scrambled eggs? Should you add water or milk in scrambled eggs? Yes, butto a limit. The reason some recipes call for water, milk, cream, or half-and-half is mainly as extra insurance to prevent a rubbery texture. A small amount of liquid dilutes them, which...
4 hard cooked/boiled eggs, peeled 1 egg 3 cups ap flour 1 egg white, lightly beaten 1/2 cup sugar Preheat oven to 350 F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Cream together lemon zest, lemon extract, sugar, salt and butter in a food processor. Add in hard boiled eggs and pro...
But that’s not really saving you all that much work as this is a simple dish. So, here is our recipe for a simple and tasty sloppy joe. We use ground chicken. You could replace that with ground turkey or ground beef. Yet, this is one of those recipes with flavor that the lighter...
Hello Friends, today we’re continuing our journey into Austria in 1972. We started with someEggs in Sour Creama few weeks back and that was a great dish! Now, I’m sure some of you might be expecting a Wiener Schnitzel as the main course. However, as I have already shared afancy ...
*cook the eggs to your own liking, but keep in mind the residual heat will further cook the eggs, so don’t overcook and serve right away! * *Try to use a rice bowl with a wide opening and narrow bottom, it’s a lot easier to pour into and you don’t need to fill the bottom...