FFmpeg is a free & open source program that allows the user to record, convert and stream audio and video. It is one of the best software out there that can do all media-related processes with relative ease. The only catch to it is that you will need to have some form of understandin...
FFmpeg is a free & open source program that allows the user to record, convert and stream audio and video. It is one of the best software out there that can do all media-related processes with relative ease. The only catch to it is that you will need to have some form of understandin...
To convert the audio from stereo to mono without changing the video part, you can use FFmpeg: ffmpeg-iinput.avi-c:vcopy-c:alibmp3lame-ac1-q:a2output.avi The important option is-ac 1, which downmixes the signal to one channel. Note that this will re-encode the audio, so expect som...
ffmpeg -framerate 24 -i "image_%03d.png" -vcodec h264 -b:v 10485760 "transccoded video.mp4" In the input filename,%03dmeans that the sequence is numbered there with three digits (001, 002, etc.). Don’t forget to specify the framerate with-framerate(or else 25fps will be used ...