Erlang calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(calendar:universal_time())-719528*24*3600.PHP // pure phptime()// Carbon\CarbonCarbon::now()->timestampPython import timetime.time()Ruby date +%sGroovy (new Date().time / 1000).intValue()Lua os.time()...
When your cell contains a date but Excel thinks it’s a text string, you can (in most cases) use theVALUEfunction to convert it. This takes the text value and converts it into a five-digit Unix timestamp, which can then be converted into a typical date value that you’d visually re...
In JavaScript, is there any way to convert a decimal number (such as 0.0002) to a fraction represented as a string (such as "2/10000")? If a function called decimalToFraction had been written for this purpose, then decimalToFraction(0.0002) would return the string "2/10000"....
as we often need to do this when storing values into database. Sincejava.util.Dateis standard way to represent date and time in Java, I only keepjava.sql.Dateup-toJDBCorDAOLayer, by the way if you need date with time, then useSQL TIMESTAMPtype instead ofDATE. ...