sudo ./ -i ubuntu.qcow2 -f vmdk -o ubuntu.vmdk 📌 直接写入物理磁盘 sudo ./ -i backup.img -f raw -o /dev/sdb ⚠️注意:写入/dev/sdb之前,脚本会要求用户确认,以防误操作! 🎯 适用场景 ✅跨虚拟机平台转换磁盘格式(KVM、VMware、VirtualBox) ✅将raw压...
qemu-img create -f raw /data/images/centos01.raw 10G 1. 输出Formatting ‘/data/images/centos01.raw’, fmt=raw size=10737418240 以上是raw镜像格式创建虚拟机磁盘空间,推荐使用qcow2 raw “raw” 镜像格式是最简单的,并且是被 KVM 和 Xen 原生支持的格式,你 可以想象裸格式镜像和块设备文件是二进制位...
根据man qemu-img中最后内容提示,支持的文件类型有:除了raw qcow2,还有以下格式: 格式说明:vmdk ,vdi vhd,vhdx 大家想必很熟悉了,raw是通用格式,qcow2是qemu主推的格式,qemu推荐使用raw和qcow2以获取更好的performance 留坑:-B参数如何使用???
Raw virtual machine images are not compressed at all, so this command will actually create a full 10GB file, unlike before. You can convert it back toqcow2format for use with QEMU by reversing the syntax from the last step: qemu-img convert-fraw ubuntu-desktop-22.04.img-Oqcow2 ubuntu-d...
[SOLVED]Can't convert a RAW disk to QCOW2 on local zfs storage Hello! For some reason, when I'm trying to convert a RAW disk, which is stored on zfs-local, to QCOW2, the format dropdown list is inactive. But if I try to move (Move Disc button) the disk to remote storage (SM...
开源、架构、Linux C/C++/python AI BI 运维开发自动化运维。 春风桃李花 秋雨梧桐叶。“力尽不知热 但惜夏日长”。夏不惜,秋不获。@ruiY--秦瑞 qemu-img convert -c -O qcow2 source.raw aim.qcow2 qemu-img create -f qcow2 -o preallocation=metadata /ruiy/ahwater-no-net-virtio.img 60G...
Description With the current scheme on macOS, each time I create a vz vm from the same cached image, there is a slow convert from qcow2 to raw (#2579) to the instance basedisk. Then we create a fast copy-on-write copy for vz for the diff...
Converting compressed qcow2 is about 10 times slower compared with qemu-img convert. qemu-img convert use many technics to speed up the operation: Using thread pool for reading and decompressing clusters Use block status to avoid reading...
qemu-img convert -c -O qcow2 source.raw aim.qcow2,qemu-imgconvert-c-Oqcow2source.rawaim.qcow2qemu-imgcreate-fqcow2-opreallocation=metadata/ruiy/ahwater-no-net-virtio.img60G