LOG.info(_("Image will locally be converted to raw %s"), image_id) dst ="%s/%s"% (dir_path, volume["name"]) image_utils.convert_image(img_path, dst,"raw") data = image_utils.qemu_img_info(dst)ifdata.file_format !="raw":raiseexception.InvalidResults(_("Converted to raw, but"...
defconvert_image_to_raw(self, image_build_path, target_path):# Se a imagem ja existe, removeifos.path.exists(target_path): os.unlink(target_path) images.convert_image(image_build_path, target_path,'qcow2','raw') os.unlink(image_build_path) 开发者ID:bgxavier,项目名称:nova-unikernel,...
qemu-img convert -c -O qcow2 source.raw aim.qcow2 qemu-img create -f qcow2 -o preallocation=metadata /ruiy/ahwater-no-net-virtio.img 60G
1.可以在你的Pod的容器规范中添加imagePullPolicy字段,并设置为IfNotPresent或Never 2.sql驱动 3.42873 - SSL Medium Strength Cipher Suites Supported (SWEET32) 4.等保2.0合规整改 5.阿里云通过logtail 采集系统日志存储到sls 满足等保2.0合规 6.阿里云EdgeScript 边缘脚本 7.kubekey 快速构建重构测试k8s ...
Steps to Reproduce: 1. Clone VM out of template (so it would have one thin OS disk) 2. Under 'disks' tab of this VM create a new preallocated disk and activate it 3. Create a template with both disks as RAW Actual results: Template creation should succeed, as qcow2 disk should be...
开源、架构、Linux C/C++/python AI BI 运维开发自动化运维。 春风桃李花 秋雨梧桐叶。“力尽不知热 但惜夏日长”。夏不惜,秋不获。@ruiY--秦瑞 qemu-img convert -c -O qcow2 source.raw aim.qcow2 qemu-img create -f qcow2 -o preallocation=metadata /ruiy/ahwater-no-net-virtio.img 60G...
Converting same image with qemu-img with different number of threads: % for i in 1 2 4 8; do echo "=== $i coroutines"; time qemu-img convert -O raw -m $i /tmp/test.qcow2 tmp.img; done === 1 coroutines qemu-img convert -O raw -m $i /tmp/test.qcow2 tmp.img 0.03s us...
1 ESXi 5 doesn't recognize Raw disk image 5 qemu.img: conversion of a VMDK image failed with error "invalid VMDK image descriptor" 3 qemu-img snapshot on live VM 11 Backup of running KVM qcow2 VPS 2 KVM image format convertion: raw thin provisioning to raw preallocated 1 ...
rm -f "${name_raw_c}" "${name_raw_c}.sha256" echo "Converting ${name_qcow2} to ${name_raw_c} with go-qcow2reader convert" set -x go-qcow2reader-example convert "${name_qcow2}" "${name_raw_c}" sha256sum "${name_raw_c}" | tee "${name_raw_c}.sha256" set +x ex...