pip install bcbio-gff 转换代码 Converting other formats to GFF3;只需要在脚本里面改成你的文件就可以了。 fromBCBioimportGFFfromBioimportSeqIOin_file="your_file.gb"out_file="your_file.gff"in_handle=open(in_file)out_handle=open(out_file,"w")GFF.write(SeqIO.parse(in_handle,"genbank"),out_...
clean_gff.py collate_features.py draw_annotation_blocks.R draw_genome_annotation.R draw_protein_gtf.R extract_coordinates.py make_parent_features.py microsynteny.py microsynteny_to_ortho_pairs.py number_contigs_by_length.py pal2gtf.py
Bioconvert is a collaborative project to facilitate the interconversion of life science data from one format to another. - bioconvert/bioconvert
A python script to interconvert seq-ids in gff3, gtf, bed and other files. - GitHub - vkkodali/cthreepo: A python script to interconvert seq-ids in gff3, gtf, bed and other files.
wrf/genomeGTFtools master 4Branches1Tag Code genomeGTFtools Overview These are some scripts to convert various features and annotations into a GFF-like file for use in genome browsers. There are also general purpose tools for genome annotation....