Physical atmospheres (atm)Bars (bar)Centimetres of water (cmH2O)Centimetres of mercury (cmHg)Feet of water (ftH2O)Hectopascals (hPa)Inches of water (inH2O)Inches of mercury (inHg)kgf/cm² (kgf/cm²)kgf/m² (kgf/m²)Kilopascals (kPa)Kilopounds per square inch (ksi)Metres of wate...
Convert Millimeter Of Water to Kilopascals (mmH2o in kPa). Millimeter Of Water and Kilopascals both are the units of PRESSURE. See the charts and tables conversion here!
Physical atmospheres (atm)Bars (bar)Centimetres of water (cmH2O)Centimetres of mercury (cmHg)Feet of water (ftH2O)Hectopascals (hPa)Inches of water (inH2O)Inches of mercury (inHg)kgf/cm² (kgf/cm²)kgf/m² (kgf/m²)Kilopascals (kPa)Kilopounds per square inch (ksi)Metres of wate...
Convert Centimeter Of Water to Kilopascals (cmH2o in kPa). Centimeter Of Water and Kilopascals both are the units of PRESSURE. See the charts and tables conversion here!
Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. Use this page to learn how to convert between feet water and millimeters mercury. Type in your own numbers in the form to convert the units! Quick conversion chart of foot water [4 °C] to millimeter mercury1 foot water ...
We assume you are converting between inch of water column and kilopascal. You can view more details on each measurement unit: inch water column or kPa The SI derived unit for pressure is the pascal. 1 pascal is equal to 0.0040146307866177 inch water column, or 0.001 kPa. Note that rounding...
kPa, Kilopascals kW, Kilowatios l, Liters lb, Pounds lbf, Pounds force m, Meter mbar, Millibars mca, Metros columna de agua (Spanish) min, Minutes mm, Millimeters mmca, Milímetros columna de agua (Spanish) mmH2O, Millimeters water column ...
ft, Feet in, Inches inH2O, Inch water column inHg, Inch mercury column kp, Kiloponds kPa, Kilopascal lbf, Pounds force mbar, Millibar mca, Metros columna agua (Spanish) mH2O, Meters columna de agua mm, Millimeters mmca, Milimetros columna agua (Spanish) ...
You can measure sizable amounts of household energy using the therm, which is equivalent to 100,000 British thermal units. When measuring the energy from natural gas, however, you can also use cubic feet. To produce 1 therm of energy, you need to use abo
What height of water (in meters) is necessary to measure a pressure of 760 mm Hg? Assume that the density is 13.79 g/cm^3 and the density of water is 1.00 g/cm^3. Pressure is given by P = gdh (where g is the acceleration due to gravity, 9.81 m/s^2). ...