electron charge coulombs millicoulombs microcoulombs nanocoulombs picocoulombs statcoulombs abcoulombs ampere-hours milliampere-hours 1 e 0.00000000000000000016022 C 0.00000000000000016022 mC 0.00000000000016022 μC 0.00000000016022 nC 0.00000016022 pC 0.00000000048032 stC 0.000000000000000000016022 abC 0.00000000000000...
One coulomb is the electric charge equal to oneampereofcurrentover onesecond.[1] The coulomb can be expressed asQC= IA× ts The charge in coulombs is equal to the current in amperes times the time in seconds. The coulomb is theSIderived unit for electric charge in the metric system. Cou...
coulombs to ampere-hours coulombs to milliampere-hours millicoulombs to electron charge microcoulombs to electron charge nanocoulombs to electron charge picocoulombs to electron charge statcoulombs to electron charge abcoulombs to electron charge ampere-hours to electron charge milliamper...
The microcoulomb is 1/1,000,000 of a coulomb, which is the electric charge equal to oneampereofcurrentover onesecond. The microcoulomb is a multiple of thecoulomb, which is theSIderived unit for electric charge. In the metric system, "micro" is the prefix for millionths, or 10-6. Mi...
microcoulombs to milliampere-hours coulombs to electron charge millicoulombs to electron charge nanocoulombs to electron charge picocoulombs to electron charge statcoulombs to electron charge abcoulombs to electron charge ampere-hours to electron charge milliampere-hours to electron charge...
The picocoulomb is 1/1,000,000,000,000 of a coulomb, which is the electric charge equal to oneampereofcurrentover onesecond. The picocoulomb is a multiple of thecoulomb, which is theSIderived unit for electric charge. In the metric system, "pico" is the prefix for 10-12. Picocoulomb...
electron charge to milliampere-hours coulombs to abcoulombs millicoulombs to abcoulombs microcoulombs to abcoulombs nanocoulombs to abcoulombs picocoulombs to abcoulombs statcoulombs to abcoulombs ampere-hours to abcoulombs milliampere-hours to abcoulombs Inch...
One statcoulomb is the electric charge equal to onestatampereofcurrentover onesecond. One statcoulomb is the amount of electrical charge, that if two like objects carrying a charge of of one statcoulomb each are placed with the center of charge onecentimeterapart, the objects repel each other...
coulombs to electron charge millicoulombs to electron charge microcoulombs to electron charge nanocoulombs to electron charge picocoulombs to electron charge abcoulombs to electron charge ampere-hours to electron charge milliampere-hours to electron charge Inch...