电流的测量单位在英文中被称为“ampere”,简称“amp”或“A”。这是国际单位制中电流的基本单位,用于量化电流的大小。在实际应用中,人们常常使用毫安(milliampere, mA)或微安(microampere, µA)等更小的单位来测量微弱电流,或者使用千安(kiloampere, kA)等更大的单位来测量强大电流。了解这...
电子与通信技术专业英语Unit1 电子与通信技术专业英语(第4版)EnglishonElectronicandTelecommunicationTechnology Unit BasicKnowledgeofElectronics 本章的内容全部是学生熟悉的电子技术的基础知识,如对电子元器件的一般介绍,电流和电压的引入,对电阻、电容、电感、二极管和三极管的具体分析,对直流电和交流电、电路图和方框...
ampere milliamperemicroamperecoulombconductormagnitudeelementterminalohmkiloohmmegohm n.安培 n. [电]毫安(培)n. [电]微安(培)n. [电]库仑n. [电]导体n.数量,大小n.元素,元件n.终端,接线端n. [电]欧姆n. [电]千欧(姆)n. [电]兆欧(姆)Unit1Current,VoltageandResistance millivolt...
One milliampere is equivalent to one—thousandth of an ampere,and one microampere is equivalent to one—millionth of an ampere. Current,Voltage and Resistance 电子与通信工程专业英语 Unit 1 Current, Voltage and Resistance 1安培电流的定义即:在1秒钟的时间内有1库仑(6.28×1018幅电子) 的电量通过导体...
One milliampere is equivalent to one-thousandth of an ampere, and one microampere is equivalent to one-millionth of an am 4、pere.Unit 1 Current, Voltage and Resistance We shall define voltage “across” an element as the work done in moving a unit charge (+1C) through the element from...
电流:安培(ampere)、毫安(milliampere) 电压:伏特(volt)、千伏(kilovolt) 计量单位中英文对照详解 在日常生活和科学研究中,计量单位无处不在,它们是我们衡量和描述世界的基础。本文将详细介绍长度、重量(质量)、时间、货币、容量(体积)、速度、温度、压力、能量与功率以及其他常见计量...
One milliampere is equivalent to one-thousandth of an ampere, and one microampere is equivalent to one-millionth of an ampere. We shall define voltage “across” an element as the work done in moving a unit charge (+1C) through the element from one terminal to the other. The term ...
3、re(mA)units are also used to express a magnitude of current much smaller than the ampere.One milliampere is equivalent to one-thousandth of an ampere,and one microampere is equivalent to one-millionth of an ampere.We shall define voltage“across”an element as the work done in moving a...
General Electric RF MilliAmperes Panel Meter Type DW-52 Milliampere GE 0 - 500 GENERAL ELECTRIC RESISTOR 728B 504 4400 GENERAL ELECTRIC REPLACEMENT COIL DEFINITE PURPOSE 440-480V 55-537283C GENERAL ELECTRIC REPLACEMENT COIL 120 V 55-537283A GENERAL ELECTRIC RE AL PARTS OF 4 General Electric Rela...
A microampere F microfarad mA milliampere mm millimeter ms millisecond mW milliwatt ns nanosecond ppm parts per million pF picofarad ps picosecond VvoltCY22393/CY223931 CY22394 CY22395 Document Number: 38-07186 Rev. *N Page 24 of 26 Document History Page Document Title: CY22393/...