1.如果通过ASH找到导致高"control file sequential read"问题发生的session,正在执行DML,或者RMAN备份。 将这些处理分散执行可能会有效。 2.如果多个控制文件放入到了一个磁盘下,分散放入不同磁盘会减轻该现象。 3.如果控制文件数量过多,减少控制文件的数量。 4.如果发现log switch动作过慢,分析存放archivelog的磁盘是...
control file sequential read 全部释义和例句>> 控制文件顺序读取
v$session_wait_history记录每类等待事件中最高10项记录,因此每项最多有10行数据。 当前等待事件中没有”control file sequential read”该项,从v$session_wait_history中查看最高10项记录中可以看到,事件中所读取的数据块并不集中,而且每次读取的块数为1(1是正常的),等待时间为0。这表明数据库是健康的。 小结 ...
control file sequential read等待事件 This is a read from a single copy of the control file. This happens in many cases. For example, while: Making a backup of the controlfiles Sharing information (between instances) from the controlfile Reading other blocks from the controlfiles Reading the he...
control file sequential read等待事件,Thisisareadfromasinglecopyofthecontrolfile.Thishappensinmanycases.Forexample,while:MakingabackupofthecontrolfilesSharinginformation(betweeninstances)fromthecontrolfil
Control file sequential read 当数据库需要读取控制文件上的信息时,会出现这个等待事件,因为控制文件的信息是顺序写的,所以读取的时候也是顺序的,因此称为控制文件顺序读,它经常发生在以下情况: 备份控制文件 RAC 环境下不同实例之间控制文件的信息共享 读取控制文件的文件头信息 ...
control file sequential read 28,888 3715.7 129 99.1 System I/O <- 间接导致控制文件读 I/O 达到 129 ms. log file sync 179 106.7 596 2.8 Commit 查看使用到大量control file sequential read 的sql 消耗时间达到了10s 以上。 这是正常现象。
On the other hand, the i-address is read out by reading end designation signal 5b. After this, FF603 is set. Then output 6a of combination circuit 605 turns to 1, and register 602 is reset. And all bits turn to 0 in the next clock period, thus completing the reading of the ...
Sequential access increases interaction cost: the user has to inspect all the items that precede the item of interest in a list. With direct access, the user can focus on the element of interest without explicitly processing the items that come before it in the list. ...