1. AWR 的 Top event中可以看到是否有高"control file sequential read"等待的发生。 2. ASH报告中找到高"control file sequential read"的session信息,通过查找BLOCKING_SESSION 列,找到导致发生问题的session,看这个session在执行什么处理。 3. 通过AWR报告的parameter,v$controlfile视图,或者警告日志中启动信息,检查...
control file sequential read 全部释义和例句>> 控制文件顺序读取
v$session_wait_history记录每类等待事件中最高10项记录,因此每项最多有10行数据。 当前等待事件中没有”control file sequential read”该项,从v$session_wait_history中查看最高10项记录中可以看到,事件中所读取的数据块并不集中,而且每次读取的块数为1(1是正常的),等待时间为0。这表明数据库是健康的。 小结 ...
FROM V$EVENT_NAME A WHERE NAME IN ('control file sequential read'); 这个等待事件有三个参数: File#:要读取信息的控制文件的文件号。 Block#:读取控制文件信息的起始数据块号。 Blocks:需要读取的控制文件数据块数目。 在V$SESSION_WAIT这个视图里面,这个等待事件有三个参数P1、P2、P3,其中P1代表正在读取的...
control file sequential read等待事件 This is a read from a single copy of the control file. This happens in many cases. For example, while: Making a backup of the controlfiles Sharing information (between instances) from the controlfile Reading other blocks from the controlfiles Reading the he...
control file sequential read等待事件,Thisisareadfromasinglecopyofthecontrolfile.Thishappensinmanycases.Forexample,while:MakingabackupofthecontrolfilesSharinginformation(betweeninstances)fromthecontrolfil
Control file sequential read 当数据库需要读取控制文件上的信息时,会出现这个等待事件,因为控制文件的信息是顺序写的,所以读取的时候也是顺序的,因此称为控制文件顺序读,它经常发生在以下情况: 备份控制文件 RAC 环境下不同实例之间控制文件的信息共享 读取控制文件的文件头信息 ...
CONSTITUTION:The system can execute a utilization in which a WRITE processing and a READ processing at the time when a record is added to the same sequential file, that is, when a file is opened are mixed. EOF information is managed separately from the file in accordance with an EOF ...
Any formal parameter whose declaration is preceded by READONLY cannot be changed by the called routine: the compiler prevents the programmer from using that formal parameter on the left-hand side of any assignment statement, reading it from a file, or passing it by reference to any other ...
[20181130]control file sequential read.txt --//昨天上午探究了大量控制文件读的情况,链接:http://blog.itpub.net/267265/viewspace-2222146/ --//今天做一些细节探究: 1.环境: SYS@xxxxx1> @ ver1 PORT_STRING VERSION BANNER --- --- --- x86_64/Linux 2.4.xx Oracle Database 11g ...