The meaning of CONTRAST is to set off in contrast : compare or appraise in respect to differences —often used with to or with. How to use contrast in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Contrast.
The meaning of CONTRAST is to set off in contrast : compare or appraise in respect to differences —often used with to or with. How to use contrast in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Contrast.
Meaning and examples Start each day with the Word of the Day in your inbox! Sign Up By clicking "Sign Up", you are accepting Dictionary.comTerms & Conditions and Privacy Policies. Quiz Q: What does KAPUT mean? demolished boring closed ...
1.To show differences when compared:siblings who contrast sharply in interests and abilities; a color that contrasted clearly with the dark background. 2.LinguisticsTo evince a difference that can distinguish meaning:Voiced and voiceless stops contrast in English but not in Cree. ...
1. To show differences when compared: siblings who contrast sharply in interests and abilities; a color that contrasted clearly with the dark background. 2. Linguistics To evince a difference that can distinguish meaning: Voiced and voiceless stops contrast in English but not in Cree. n. (kŏ...
What's the meaning of underlined word“staggering" in the second paragraph? A. Astonishing. B. Rewarding. C. Embarrassing. D. Shrinking.7. Which of the following statements is NOT Citywalk? A. An immersive route for foreigners to enjoy the alleys in Chengdu. B. A holiday travel to ...
(2)What'sthemeaningofunderlinedword"staggering"inthesecondparagraph? ___A.Astonishing.B.Rewarding.C.Embarrassing.D.Shrinking.(3)WhichofthefollowingstatementsisNOTCitywalk? ___A.AnimmersiverouteforforeignerstoenjoythealleysinChengdu.B.AholidaytraveltohurriedlyvisitcrowdedlandmarksinShanghai.C.Afreewalkinc...
The meaning of CONTRAST is to set off in contrast : compare or appraise in respect to differences —often used with to or with. How to use contrast in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Contrast.
相符。 3. literally 指的是字面意义,与题目中“its most simple or basic meaning is translated”相符。 4. technician 指的是技术人员,与题目中“a person who is very skilled at the technical aspect of an art, a sport, etc.”相符。 5. animation 指的是动画,与题目中“a film in which ...
The meaning of CONTRAST is to set off in contrast : compare or appraise in respect to differences —often used with to or with. How to use contrast in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Contrast.