Arrival-Time Parametric Imaging in Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound for Thyroid Nodule Differentiation Nan Jiang 1ABCDEF , Qian-qing Feng 1ABCDEF , Yue Li 1CD , Xin Yu 1DE , Xiao-ni Su 1CD , Zhuang Jin 1DEFG* DOI: 10.12659/MSM.945793 Med Sci Monit 2024; 30:e945793 Link: https://med...
2ABCDEF, Zhuang Jin1CDG, Tian-Qi Yu3DE, Shu-Ting Chen4CDE, Yun Zhang1ABDE* DOI: 10.12659/MSM.945281Med Sci Monit 2024; 30:e945281Authors information Article notes Copyright and License information 1,867 Introduction Application of At-PI in the Liver Non-Hepatic Applications of At-PI ...
In recent years, numerous scholars have concentrated on investigating fibrosis in non-tumor liver tissue using At-PI. The quantitative parameters frequently used to evaluate the extent of fibrosis include the red-to-overall ratio (ROR) and the CEUS-PAT ratio. Research has demonstrated that the ROR...
First recorded in1480–90;(for the verb) fromMiddle Frenchcontraster,fromItaliancontrastare“to contest,” fromLatincontrā-contra-1(def)+stāre“to stand” (status); (for the noun) earliercontraste,fromFrench,fromItaliancontrasto“conflict,” derivative ofcontrastare ...
Dinah V. Parums1BCDEF DOI: 10.12659/MSM.944436 Med Sci Monit 2024; 30:e944436 Authors informationArticle notesCopyright and License information 0 Comments Add Comment Abstract 0:00 ABSTRACT:On 22 February 2024, the World Health Organization (WHO) stated that, following the recent resurgence of ...
Assuming that the electrical field of the SHG emission from a sample is proportional to the square of the total illumination field on the sample24, the dtheete2c-tDedcSoHnviomluatgieoncaonpbereaetixopnr,eshseisdtahseh2h-⁎D⊗amOpel,iwtuhdeerepo*idnetnsoptreeathdefuconnctjuiognat...
intheme,subjectmatterandcraftsmanshipembodied inthepoeticworksofthesemajorromanticpoets. II.Threesimilaritiesinthepoetryofthema- jorEngHshromanticpoets 1.Emphasisonindividualismratherthansocial conformity Firstofall,oneofthemostimportantdevelop- mentsofEnglishRonmnticismwastheriseintheim— ...
amendment in two contrasting soils in Zambia Toru Hamamoto1,2*, Nhamo Nhamo3, David Chikoye4, Ikabongo Mukumbuta5 & Yoshitaka Uchida5 In sub-Saharan Africa, efforts have been made to increase soil carbon (C) content in agricultural ecosystems due to severe soil degradation....
BACKGROUND:Contrast enhanced spectral mammography (CESM) is a new method of breast cancer diagnosis in which an iodinated contrast agent is injected and dual-energy mammography is obtained in multiple views of the breasts. The aim of this study was to co
A、the permanence of beauty B、the permanence of love C、the permanence of art D、the permanence of urn 暂无答案