and Zhang, J., 2013, Contract theory in continuous-time methods, Springer,Berlin.Cvitani´c, J. and Zhang, J. (2012), "Contract Theory in Continuous-Time Models," Springer Finance.Cvitani´c, J. and Zhang, J., 2013, "Contract Theory in Continuous-Time Methods," Springer, Berlin....
Please cite this article as: li,H.,et al.,Optimal contract theory with time-inconsistent preferences,Econ.Model. (2015),http://dx.doi/10.1016/.econmod.2015.09.032 2 H lietal /EconomicModellingxxx(2015)xxx–xxx recommended actions to the current self and future selves,which im- in an ac...
The cited studies use a continuous-time setting, whereas we consider a one-period model. Indeed, in other insurance domains, if incentive programmes exist (e.g. discounts on health insurance for participating in fitness regimes), they often give rise to moral-hazard issues, i.e. the insurer...
In terms of building theoretical models, the current methods include the use of the real option theory to calculate the optimal stopping time [8–10, 21] and the use of the game theory to analyze the optimal exit timing [6, 22, 23]. In addition, there is also a group of scholars ...
However, the Danish physiologist Ejnar Lundsgaard demonstrated in a series of compelling experiments that muscles could contract in the absence of lactic acid (Lundsgaard, 1930) thus, the lactic acid theory was disproven. Kurt Lohmann, working in the lab of Nobel prize winner Otto Meyerhof, ...
[35]✘✘✔✘Cloud theory based optimization of load in order to achieve increased QoS• Increased latency and end to end delay due to centralized processing in cloud layer [36]✘✔✘✔PSO-BOOST based resource allocation and scheduling• Low Security and privacy of users’ sensiti...
In Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems - 26th International Conference, TACAS 2020, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2020, Dublin, Ireland, April 25-30, 2020, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in ...
Stress, commonly reported as one reason for engaging in violation behaviour in academic integrity research (Newton,2018), has been further explored from the perspectives of criminology (e.g., Smith et al.,2013; Rundle et al.,2019; Nagay & Groves,2021) and psychology, with the theory of pl...
Alternative safety, assurance, safety requirements, safety case, arguments, contract, contracts, assumption, guarantee, pre- and post-condition, commitment, behaviour, assume-guarantee, contract-lifecycle, parameterized-contracts, contract theory, galois-contracts 3.1.3. Search strategy To find out the ...
This paper builds on the large and varied contract-theory literature. In many of the literature's standard models (such as the basic principal-agent problem with moral hazard), the self-enforced aspects of contracting are trivial. However, there are also quite a few studies of contractual ...