A Rapid Method of Locating Contour Lines on a Topographic MapJames G. YohoJournal of Forestry
For a quick definition, acontour linejoins points of equal and constant values. For example, contours on an elevation have constant heights that are the same on each line in atopographic map. Are there contour lines mountains or depressions? When you have a closed contour like the one below,...
contour or contour line, line on a topographic map connecting points of equal elevation above or below mean sea level. It is thus a kind of isopleth, or line of equal quantity. Contour lines are drawn on maps with a uniform interval of vertical distance separating them (usually 10, 20, ...
Topographic map, cartographic representation of the Earth’s surface at a level of detail or scale intermediate between that of a plan (small area) and a chorographic (large regional) map. Within the limits of scale, it shows as accurately as possible th
On a topographic map, a contour line is a line that depicts ground elevation or depression. The vertical distance or difference in elevation between contour lines is known as a contour interval. Every sixth contour line has an index contour, which is a bolder or thicker line. ...
Understanding Contour Lines and Topo Maps You probably already know that a compass and a paper map are part of theTen Essentials. Learning to interpret that paper topo map (short for topographic map) is every bit as essential. Your map can tell a richly detailed story about the area you’...
摘要:等高线地形图是属于平面地形图的一种,平面地形图是指只有地物,不表示地面起伏的地形图。等高线地形图是用等高线表示地面起伏和高度状况的地图,在等高线地形图上,根据等高线不同的弯曲形态,可以判读出地表形态的一般状况。 本文内容基于山海鲸可视化软件操作,您可先免费下载山海鲸可视化后再阅读本文。
113、地图(map) 114、普通地图(general map) 115、地形图(topographic map) 116、平面地形图(Plane topographic map) 117、等高线地形图(Contour topographic map) 118、分层设色地形图(hypsometric map) 119、专题地图(Thematic map) 120、特种地图(Special map) ...
In our approach, we haveproposed a modified Moore's Neighbor contour tracing algorithm to trace allcontours in the given topographic maps. The proposed approach is tested onseveral topographic maps and provides satisfactory results and takes less time totrace the contour lines compared with other ...
Cross-contour lines are a way to add depth to your contour drawings without adding shading.To add them, you’ll draw parallel lines that run across the object, similar to those you might see on a topographic map.See examples here.