As an example, to calculate topographic relief (highest elevation minus lowest elevation of a given area) not all contour lines should be enhanced. Instead, a contour interval that allows the student to differentiate the individual elements of the model should be chosen. Testing strategies must ...
Inthesamepictureofthebasictopographicmapfromthehigh, flatcontourfromsaidgroundslopeissmall;thecontourfrom theflatsmallsaidgroundslope;thehorizontaldistanceis equaltothesameslope.Thecontourlineofaninclinedplane isagroupofstraightlineswithequaldistancesand parallel lines. 6, off the reading method of four order...
It can be assumed that their concept was re-invented independently by Freeman and Morse [78] and Morse [79], who applied the graph of a contour map for tackling problems of military interest. However, it was Boehm [80], who introduced today's primarily used term contour tree, when ...