Break and Continue in While Loop You can also usebreakandcontinuein while loops: Break Example inti =0; while(i <10) { cout << i <<"\n"; i++; if(i ==4) { break; } } Try it Yourself » Continue Example inti =0;
If there is an infinite loop and the input values are integer (we are reading integer numbers), as any input is negative or zero loop body should be terminated.#include <stdio.h> int main() { int number; /*infinite loop*/ while (1) { printf("Enter integer number: "); scanf("%d"...
首先说明:continue 只能用于循环语句中,而break可用于循环和switch语句,两者都是辅助循环;尽管如此,如果 switch 语句在一个循环中,continue便可作为 switch 语句的一部分;这种情况下,就像在其他循环中一样,continue 让程序跳出循环的剩余部分,包括 switch 语句的其他部分。 一般而言,程序进入循环后,在下一次循环测试之前...
In the example above, the while loop will run, as long i is smaller then twenty. In the while loop there is an if statement that states that if i equals ten the while loop must stop (break). With “continue;” it is possible to skip the rest of the commands in the current loop ...
while循环中continue和break的区别 break跳出整个循环,直接执行下面的代码了,而continue是终止当次循环,不执行下面的代码,而是直接进入下一次循环。下面是针对continue和break区别举的例子。 语句执行后,直接终止循环。 无限的loop 5 while循环中continue和break的区别 ...
While True: Ask a question If the answer is valid: break The do-until loop that I mentioned before is the more elegant solution for that particular problem: Do: Ask a question Until the answer is valid No duplication, and no break needed either. Share Follow answered Aug 8, 2008 at...
while循环中continue和break的区别break跳出整个循环,直接执行下面的代码了,而continue是终止当次循环,不执行下面的代码,而是直接进入下一次循环。下面是针对continue和break区别举的例子。语句执行后,直接终止循环。 无限的loop 5 Python 第五节 第三课 [toc]break语句break语句可用于while和for循环, 用来结束整个循环....
The major difference between break and continue statements in C language is that a break causes the innermost enclosing loop or switch to be exited immediately. Whereas, the continue statement causes the next iteration of the enclosing for, while, or do loop to begin. The continue statement in...
} /* while loop end */ printf("Bye!\n"); return 0; } 在本例中 continue 的作用与上述类似,但是 break 的作用不同:它让程序离开 switch 语句,跳至switch语句后面的下一条语句;如果没有 break 语句,就会从匹配标签开始执行到 switch 末尾;注:C语言中的 case 一般都指定一个值,不能使用一个范围;swi...
C - Loops C - While loop C - For loop C - Do...while loop C - Nested loop C - Infinite loop C - Break Statement C - Continue Statement C - goto Statement Functions in C C - Functions C - Main Function C - Function call by Value C - Function call by reference C - Nested ...