The meaning of CONTEXTUALIZE is to place (something, such as a word or activity) in a context. How to use contextualize in a sentence.
People structure meaning through emphasis. A person makes conscious and conditioned subconscious judgments every hour and every day. Value judgment enables humans to cope, survive, and thrive in our world and society. Values unite the human capacities of rational intelligence with emotions or attitudes...
Meaning-makingThis paper presents a case study with a group of 11th grade students solving a problem about the centripetal force that an object needs in order to follow a circular motion. The focus is on the process of development by the students of (a) the meanings in terms of semantic ...
In doing so, places acquire a meaning of their own, which facilitates, improves, and enriches many aspects of our lives. They provide us with a means to interpret the activities of others and to direct our own actions.Such meaning is comprised of the social and cultural conceptions and ...
In summary, when an event took place or what happened in that time period, puts a different perspective and meaning behind the writing of the author. B. Factor General Description Biographical Something affects one’s personal life or life story. Historical Historical events affect the way...
Darren Lee Miller: Retold We tell the same stories over and over, repurposing the players to create new meaning but often the older associations remain close to the surface. Taking my cues from the metaphors seen in ancient mythology, renaissance painting, and contemporary photography, I undermine...
The next stage, word association contextualization (WAC), is to interpret the meaning of the words in the context of this difference: producing semantic descriptions or codes. For example, WAD might report that "care" was used in 2% of UK tweets in the second half of the 2020 Covid-19 ...
is far more than any human-inspired book and has been written in such a way that every human being, rich or poor, man or woman, intelligent or challenged will understand the meaning of the Gospel message if it is presented in their native language; and thanks to the tireless work of mis...
Finally, he suggests that rational choice theory and secularization theory might well be integrated and applied in a European context if we move to the level of the competing existing meaning systems. 展开 关键词: meaning systems spirituality new religious movements secularization theory rational choice...
The same test was conducted five weeks later to measure the long term retention of phrasal verbs meaning. But the third test dealt with 20 untaught phrasal verbs which had the same particles as the taught ones. One-way ANOVA results revealed that the difference between the groupsrsquo; ...