必应词典为您提供contact-interaction的释义,网络释义: 接触交互;接触互动;
interaction n.[U,C] 相互影响,相互作用 contact n. 1.[U] 接触,触碰(+with) 2.[U] 交往;联系,联络(+with) 3.[C] 熟人,门路 4.[C]【电】接点,触点;接触器 5.【医】刚接触传染病而有带菌嫌疑者 Contact 1. 接触,触碰[U][(+with)] cross interaction 【化】 交叉-相互反应 self intera...
我的认知里contact interaction是short range interaction,大多数情况contact interaction跟距离的函数关系可以...
https://simutech.com.tw/(士盟科技官网,转载,仅供学习、非商用)(一)法向行为Normal Behavior:硬接触Hard Contact、软接触Soft Contact、不分离No Separation (二)切向行为Tangential Behavior:罚Penalty、Kinetic、拉格朗日乘子Lagrange Multiplier、粗糙摩擦Rought friction...
We prove that anyons, in spite of the centrifugal barrier which characterizes them, can contact interact in the broadest sense, and usually do so breaking scale invariance. This is seen by trading the contact interaction for a boundary condition, or by regularizing the contact interaction, or ...
ABAQUS 分析用户手册的 21.1.1 节 Contact interaction analysis:overview"是开始进一步阅读这个主题的理想之处。 接触面之间有微小的距离,定义接触时要设定“Adjust=位置误差限度”,此误差限度要大于接触面之间的距离,否则ABAQUS会认为两个面没有接触:*Contact Pair, interaction="SOIL PILE SIDE CONTACT", small ...
We prove that anyons, in spite of the centrifugal barrier which characterizes them, can contact interact in the broadest sense, and usually do so breaking scale invariance. This is seen by trading the contact interaction for a boundary condition, or by regularizing the contact interaction, or fin...
This paper proposes a contact interaction robot (CIR) which utilizes contact behavior as the interaction means between a human and a robot. The CIR is a puppet robot designed so that the robot and the human touch each other. The psychological experiments are performed by utilizing a CIR equippe...
Point-defect generation is analyzed in the case where dislocational aggregations arising as a result of contact interaction between spiral sections of slipping dislocational loops with reacting dislocations of the supporting structure must be overcome. An expression is obtained for determining the point-...