ISimulation3DContactFeatureData Interface Allows access to a 3D Contact feature in SOLIDWORKS Motion studies. .NET Syntax Visual Basic (Declaration) Public Interface ISimulation3DContactFeatureData Visual Basic (Usage) Dim instance As ...
Include solver generated contacts (mesh required):Active after meshing the model. Select to view at the mesh level the areas of the model detected by the solver (before starting the analysis) with an assigned contact definition Note:This tool is available in SolidWorks Simulation Professional and ...
改进了约束面积的计算 优化了与接合和接触惩罚刚度相关的无单位参数 消除了接触搜索代码内对小任务的不必要函数调用 因这些增强功能而实现的性能改进,在使用 FFEPlus 迭代解算器运行并有大量节点参与接合和接触交互的仿真中更加显著。 父主题SOLIDWORKS Simulation 基于混合曲率的网格器 连杆接头 仿真解算器 仿真性能 ...
SOLIDWORKS Simulation 2017now enables you to edit multiple Contact Sets at the same time. This enhancement can be a big time saver if you need to make a quick change to the properties of several Contact Sets in your Simulation studies. You can also change multiple Contact Sets of different t...
In conclusion, Abaqus offers a comprehensive and sophisticated general contact algorithm that simplifies the modeling of contact and interaction problems, ensuring accurate simulation results. The ability to efficiently simulate contact conditions, from surface-to-surface to edge-to-edge contact interactions...
Analysis of interaction effects The Influence of Interaction Factors. Full size image Comparison of machine learning models The results of train set. Full size image Meanwhile, the BP-GA algorithm showed improved performance with an MAE of 0.11 and an RMSE of 0.18. WNN algorithm outshone both, ...
4d, which also presents an increased interaction as the distance between PTFE and O2 molecules decreased. Based on above theoretical analysis, we postulate that the proximity of different molecules could affect the strength of interactions and thus electron transfer process between them. As a ...
SimulationXpress Sketching Sustainability Products SolidWorks Utilities Tolerancing Toolbox Weldments Workgroup PDM Troubleshooting GlossaryContact AnalysisContact settings describes the interaction between part boundaries that are initially contacting or come into contact during loading. The contact functionality is ...
Use this PropertyManager to define interaction between solids, shells, and beams in a mixed mesh. Bonding beams to shells or solid faces is done automatically for touching components. Contact Manually select contact setsSelect pairs of faces that meet the specified criteria and create con...
The power of the gear and wheel was studied when determining the energy components of the pump in the interaction of the transmission and eccentric shafts. As a result, the dependence of the pump energy costs during drilling was upgraded taking into account the studied moments of forces and ...