版本: scala:2.11.8 spark:2.11 hbase:1.2.0-cdh5.14.0 报错信息: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Consumer is not subscribed to any topics or assigned any part
复制 ERRORUnexpected exceptioninThread[KafkaBasedLog Work Thread-connect-configs,5,main](org.apache.kafka.connect.util.KafkaBasedLog:334)java.lang.IllegalStateException:Consumer is not subscribed to any topics or assigned any partitions at org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer.poll(KafkaConsume...
*@throwsjava.lang.IllegalStateException if the consumer is not subscribed to any topics or manually assigned any * partitions to consume from*/@OverridepublicConsumerRecords<K, V> poll(longtimeout) {try{if(timeout < 0)thrownewIllegalArgumentException("Timeout must not be negative");if(this.s...
To me it looks like subscribing to topics after consumer.run(...) was called does not add the new topic to the list of topics that get fetched in the ConsumerGroup: ('topic-test' and 'service__alpha' gets subscribed before calling run(), 'XXX' after run()) Is it me doing it wro...
It doesn't make sense from a Kafka conceptual point of view not to. We do emit a warn log about this if we receive assignments for topics that we aren't subscribed to, because that's the only way we can find out that you are doing this. The warn message is here: https://github...
Symptom: Different consumers in a consumer group have different topic permissions. When a consumer attempts to retrieve messages from a topic, the error message "Not auth
if (this.metadata.timeToAllowUpdate(timer.currentTimeMs()) == 0) { // 更新元数据 this.metadata.requestUpdate(); } if (!client.ensureFreshMetadata(timer)) { return false; } maybeUpdateSubscriptionMetadata(); } // if not wait for join group, we would just use a timer of 0 // 发送...
It is an error to not have subscribed to any topics or partitions before polling for data. The offset used for fetching the data is governed by whether or not #seek(Map)is used. If #seek(Map) is used, it will use the specified offsets on startup and on every rebalance, to consume...
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