54842 - 2013.x Vivado Constraints - "CRITICAL WARNING: [Designutils 20-1307] Command 'lappend', 'lindex', 'lsort', 'set_param', or 'concat' is not supported in the xdc constraint file ..." Description The following critical warnings might occur when XDC files include "lappend", "lindex...
68295 - 2016.4 Vivado - Saving constraints gives "ERROR: [Common 17-53] User Exception: A file was added to constraint set constrs_1 after the implementation design was open" Description In Vivado 2016.3, I see the following ERROR messages when I try to save the constraints after making som...
55550 - Vivado Constraints - Paths associated with endpoints added by "lappend" command are dropped from constraint after implementation Description I have the following constraints in the XDC file: set x [get_cells cell1] lappend x [get_cells cell2] set_multicycle_path -from $x -setup 2 ...
Yesterday I generated it in different way and after presumed saving I checked constraint file and saw that new constraint was absent in constraint file. At that moment I was thinking that it was some kind of vivado bug ... i.e. constraint file wasn't properly updated. Probably there...
玩转Vivado之Timing Constraints 特权同学,版权所有 最近在熟悉Xilinx已经推出好几年的Vivado,虽然特权同学之前 +6 分享回复赞 protel吧 悲剧DEE杯子 关于DRC报错Processing Rule : Width Constraint (Min=30mil) (Max=30mil) (Prefered=30mil) (Is on net GND ) Violation Polygon Arc (51000mil,48580mil) ...
These will be identical in terms of their properties (period, phase, duty cycle) but I need two different ones for the constraints. In Vivado all clocks are related by default, so even though I define two clocks, they are effectively the same if they have the same attributes create_clock...
To properly constraint these paths, the word "core" in the path should be replaced with the component name that the XAUI core was generated with in /sources_1/ip/core_name/synth/core_name.xdc. This file is read only, but can be edited outside of the Vivado GUI. In the following ...
The Block Design level DCP is generated but in the log file I see the below critical warning: CRITICAL WARNING: [Constraints 18-1056] Clock 'sys_clk' completely overrides clock 'sys_diff_clock_clk_p' Is this a valid warning?How can I resolve it? Solution This is a valid critical warnin...