3.1.5 Set Input Delay/Set output Delay 设置端口或者pin上时钟的输入或输出时延值. 3.2 Exceptions 添加时序例外路径约束可减少编译时间,降低约束的调试难度以及阻止工具优化掉一些需要的信号,常用的时序例外约束Set minimum Delay/Set maximum Delay,Set Multicycle Path,Set False Path. 3.2.1 Set minimum Delay/...
在Vivado中,可以使用约束语言(Constraint Language)来约束时序关系和时钟频率。 1.时序约束:时序约束是一种描述设计的时序要求的语言,主要用于指定输入到输出的数据路径延迟和时序关系。时序约束包括输入输出延迟(INPUT_DELAY、OUTPUT_DELAY)、时钟约束(PERIOD、OFFSET)等。 例如,设置输入到输出的最大路径延迟为5 ns: se...
3. Input delay constraint for MISO(DIN/D[01]) signal: set_input_delay -clock cclk -max tco_max+trce_dly_max [get_ports inSpiMiso] <-clock_fall>set_input_delay -clock cclk -min tco_min+trce_dly_min [get_ports inSpiMiso] <-clock_fall> Use the Vivado XDC Template: XDC -> Timin...
set_input_delay -clock clk -min 1.000 [get_ports datain] Note: For a negative phase-shift, a Multi-cycle constraint is typically not needed to counter balance the effect of the phase-shift. An exception occurs if the phase-shift is so large that the clock launch or capture edges must...
set_input_delay -clock clk -min 1.000 [get_ports datain] Note: For a negative phase-shift, a Multi-cycle constraint is typically not needed to counter balance the effect of the phase-shift. An exception occurs if the phase-shift is so large that the clock launch or capture edges must...
delay constraint reference clock.已经识别出转发时钟,用于基于共享时钟连接对输出路径进行定时。必须在向导“转发时钟”的第三步中创建转发时钟,否则电路板时钟或虚拟时钟将用作输出延迟约束参考时钟。时间限制电子表格时序约束电子表格显示特定类型的所有现有约束的详细信息。使用时序约束电子表格查看和编辑约束选项。
约束指令:set_output_delay. 同set_input_delay,-clock是指令约束必选项,同时输出延迟约束包含-min,-max,-clock_fall,-add_delay 示例: # defines an output delay relative to a previously defined sysClk for both min and max analysis create_clock -name sysClk -period 10 [get_ports CLK0] ...
# Max Delay / Min Delay # Multicycle Paths # Case Analysis # Disable Timing ## Physical Constraints Section # located anywhere in the file, preferably before or after the timing constraints # or stored in a separate constraint file 从时钟定义开始。 必须先创建时钟,然后才能将它们用于任何后续约束...
set_input_delay -clock [get_clocks clk] -max 4.0 [get_ports da_in] In addition to the above two warnings, there is a Critical Warning given on this "set_input_delay" constraint. [Vivado 12-1387] No valid object(s) found for set_input_delay constraint with option '-clock [get_clock...
5、 [Constraints 18-5210] No constraint will be written out. 解决方案:Vivado 中的一个已知错误,将在 2020.1 中修复(可以忽略) 6、[Common 17-1548] Command failed: can't read "output_ports": no such variable 描述:set_input_delay时,端口命名错误 ...