Android Studio 中使用switch语句时报错Constant expression required的解决方法 在工程目录下第一级的gradle.properties中添加 : android.nonFinalResIds=false 然后Sync Now 重新gradle,就不会再报错了。 1.Android 项目中,资源文件(如R.string、R.layout等)会在构建时生成对应的R类,包含每个资源的唯一 ID。过去,这...
If the declaration specifies an array, check to see if a variable is being used to specify the number of elements. If so, replace the variable with a constant expression.See AlsoTasksHow to: Declare an Array VariableReferenceConst Statement (Visual Basic)ا...
java—运行时常量池(Runtime Constant Pool)、常量池(Constant Pool)、字符串常量池(String Constant Pool) 最近在看常量池相关的东西的时候,会被这几个常量池给弄的晕乎乎的 查阅了《深入理解java虚拟机》总结如下: 一、常量池共有三类: ’运行时常量池(Runtime Constant Pool) 常量池(Constant Pool):也是常说...
if I remove the "final" to make caseStr not a constant expression: ? 1 2 3 4 5 6 % javac error: constant string expression required case caseStr: System.out.println("Doesn't work"); ^ 1 error % The fact that you get a java.lang.Error suggests it...
以下是一个正确的示例,展示了如何在Java中使用常量表达式来避免“constant expression required”错误: java public class ConstantExpressionExample { // 定义编译时常量 public static final int ARRAY_SIZE = 10; public static void main(String[] args) { // 使用编译时常量初始化数组 int[] array = new in...
switch 语句编译报错Constant expression required 脑抽写了个坑,记录一下填坑过程。。。防止自己再跳。。。 先说一下switch支持的类型:switch表达式后面的数据类型只能是byte,short,char,int四种整形类型,枚举类型和java.lang.String类型(从java 7才允许),不能是boolean类型。 非正常类型入参错误如下: 如下是非常量...
The ast that represents a constant string expression that is always constant. This includes both single and double quoted strings, but the double quoted strings will not be scanned for variable references and sub-expressions. If expansion of the string is required, useExpandableStr...
Required String parameter 'XXX' is not present 2019-12-18 14:11 −环境: springboot 1.5.13.RELEASE 问题: 页面post请求 报错:Required String parameter 'XXX' is not present 解决之路: 笔者在controller里打了debugger,当参数过大时进入不了,但post参数大... ...
public static void main(String[] args){ for (Character x = 0; x < 256; x++){ System.out.print("x="+(int)x+", "); switch(x){ case a: System.out.println("A"); break; case b: System.out.println("B"); break; case c: System.out.println("C"); break; default: System...
constant_expression : expression ; A constant expression must be the null literal or a value with one of the following types: sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, char, float, double, decimal, bool, object, string, or any enumeration type. Only the following co...