1. 确认错误信息的上下文 错误#28: expression must have a constant value 通常出现在C或C++等编译型语言中,特别是在处理与编译时常量(compile-time constants)相关的表达式时。这些语言要求某些上下文中的表达式必须能够在编译时求值,而不是在运行时。 2. 解释错误含义 这个错误表明编译器在尝试将一个非常量表达式...
..\ST7735S\st7735.c(329): error: #28: expression must have a constant value uint8_t data...
u16 rr=9;
求助:错误#28 expression must have a constant value 我在main.c中定义了 float LaserTemperature=BaseTemp; BaseTemp是在sys.h中声明的常量。 然后我在key.c中成功调用LaserTemperature 调用程序: extern float LaserTemperature; 但是在LCD.c中却提示#28 expression must have a ...
在IAR环境中有下面的代码,会出现Error: expression must have a constant value 错误,但是MDK的环境就不会出现,,能有大神帮忙看一下.static const int buff[] ={1,2,3 ...
expression must have a constant value Error C2131 expression did not evaluate to a constant Error C3863 array type 'unsigned int [numpos][9]' is not assignable I don´t know why it runs in code blocks but don´t in Visual... ...
I have used the trail and full Uvision3 ARM compiler. The following code produces the error 'expression must have a constant value' at the indicated position below
After compiling I have an error: #28 expression must have a constant value. I do not know how to solve it. Can anyone help me ? STATUSswitch_stats_example( api_device_t *only_device ) { UINT8port1 = 1; sc_read_ctrs_in_tread_in = {RIO_A...
to publish the message. it will show "expression must have a constant value" error.but if you put the value as the temp in th function , it will not this error ,not only can't call the send lib'function to send message but also t...