1. To give assent, as to the proposal of another; agree: consent to medical treatment; consent to going on a business trip; consent to see someone on short notice. See Synonyms at assent. 2. Archaic To be of the same mind or opinion. n. 1. Acceptance or approval of what is planned...
and as legal abortion stays front and center as the most brutal form of utilitarianism, where a weaker and “lesser” life is deemed expendable for the well-being of others, I expect the United States culture to be drawn closer and closer to the seductive policy of legal euthanasia. It is...
I know probably the main purpose for your trip to Wyoming30 00:02:59,161 --> 00:03:03,028 is to discuss thought control in a democratic society.31 00:03:03,081 --> 00:03:08,122 Now, all right, say I'm just Jane USA.32 00:03:08,169 --> 00:03:13,792 And I say, "We...
Family What Is a Life Tenant? Related Articles Discussion Comments Byanon205576— On Aug 12, 2011 What about parental consent for a 16 year old going over to a friend's house? Is it illegal or considered kidnapping if the parents say they do not wish for the child to go to the other...
I would go on to study at the same theological college as him (although this was something I only found out once I’d got there). As he stood at the altar and prayed the words that Jesus recited on the night before He died, I can remember a strong, overwhelming feeling: ‘I really...
I had an ex-friend tell me once "we were all democrats in college...then we got money." Isn't that the problem here? Login or register to post comments Palindromedary • 3 years 39 weeks ago #21 Leighmf: you got talent...good poem...or "rap?" ...not tha...
Family What Is a Life Tenant? Related Articles Discussion Comments Byanon205576— On Aug 12, 2011 What about parental consent for a 16 year old going over to a friend's house? Is it illegal or considered kidnapping if the parents say they do not wish for the child to go to the other...
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect th...
1. To give assent, as to the proposal of another; agree: consent to medical treatment; consent to going on a business trip; consent to see someone on short notice. See Synonyms at assent. 2. Archaic To be of the same mind or opinion. n. 1. Acceptance or approval of what is plann...