Resent带有强烈负面情感,如愤怒、委屈或敌意,通常指向具体的人或行为。例如:“He resents his colleague for taking credit.”(他因同事抢功而心怀不满。) Consent情感中立或积极,仅表达“允许”或“接受”,不隐含情绪倾向。例如:“Parents consented to the school trip.”(家长同意...
If so, then you need the Travel Consent Form Template from WPForms. This consent form can be used for travelers of all ages and is fully customizable to reflect the details of your planned trip. What Goes Onto a Travel Consent Form? On our consent form, users will first enter their name...
1.Neither Jane nor her brothers_a consent form for tomorrow's field trip.为什么选的是need?不是needs?2.There_not only the earth but also eight other plants in the solar system.选的是is?不是are?3.Either your teacher or you_mistaken.选的是are?不是has?
1.Neither Jane nor her brothers_a consent form for tomorrow's field trip.为什么选的是need?不是needs?2.There_not only the earth but also eight other plants in the solar system.选的是is?不是are?3.Either your teacher or you_mistaken.选的是are?不是has?
44.Neither Jane nor her brothers a consent form for tomorrow's field trip. A.need B.needs needing D.has need4. Neither Jane nor her brothers_ a consent form for tomorrow's field trip. A.need B.needs needing D.has need 5()4.Neither Jane nor her brothers a consent fo...
A minor travel consent form is a legal document, signed by a child's parents and/or legal guardians,granting permission for the child to travel with another adult. Any time a child travels abroad withoutbothparents and/or legal guardians,U.S. Customs and Border Protectionrequires the child to...
这是一个常见的动词短语结构。 consent form:同意书/同意表格,通常用于法律、医疗或其他需要明确同意的场合。 give/withdraw one's consent:给予/撤回同意。这两个短语分别表示同意的给予和撤回。 总的来说,“consent”是一个与“同意”、“允许”等概念紧密相关的词汇,在日常生活和法律文件中都有广泛的应用。
34.Neither Jane nor her brothers a consent form for tomorrow's field trip. A.need B.needs needing D.has need4. Neither Jane nor her brothers_ a consent form for tomorrow's field trip. A.need B.needs needing D.has need 4()4.Neither Jane nor her brothers a consent fo...
Byline: JAYA NARAIN;ADAM POWELLNarain, JayaPowell, Adam