ConsensusCruncher is a tool that suppresses errors in next-generation sequencing data by using unique molecular identifiers (UMIs) to amalgamate reads derived from the same DNA template into a consensus sequence. - pughlab/ConsensusCruncher
The sequence of the most frequently occurring amino acid at each position is the consensus sequence. Replacement of a rarely occurring amino acid in the target with a frequently occurring amino acid is predicted to be stabilizing. Consensus Finder is an open-source web tool that automates this ...
Define consensus. consensus synonyms, consensus pronunciation, consensus translation, English dictionary definition of consensus. n. 1. An opinion or position reached by a group as a whole: "Among political women ... there is a clear consensus about the
The sequence of the most frequently occurring amino acid at each position is the consensus sequence. Replacement of a rarely occurring amino acid in the target with a frequently occurring amino acid is predicted to be stabilizing. Consensus Finder is an open-source web tool that automates this ...
In and , a is a way of representing the results of a multiple , where related sequences are compared to each other, and similar functional are found. The consensus sequence shows which residues are conserved (are always the same), and which residues are variable. Developing software for is...
IsoCon is a tool for reconstructing highly similar sequences present in a dataset of from long noisy reads. Its original use case was transcripts from highly similar gene copies (paper here), however the methodology extends to any dataset where sequences spans the region(s) of interest end-to...
Circular consensus sequencing with Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) technology generates long (10–25 kilobases), accurate ‘HiFi’ reads by combining serial observations of a DNA molecule into a consensus sequence. The standard approach to consensus gene
Kozakconsensussequence Kozak consensus sequence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 第1页共1页2008-3-23 16:26 A sequence logo showing the most conserved bases around the initiation codon from all human mRNAs.
chromosome strand start end read_name log_lik_ratio log_lik_methylated log_lik_unmethylated num_calling_strands num_motifs sequence NC_000913.3 + 3505711 3505712 8386596c-ff56-4032-b54e-8f062c194b16 -2.41 -2.41 0.0 1 1 CG NC_000913.3 + 3505714 3505715 8386596c-ff56-4032-b54e-8f062c19...
in which both RCL sequence and length play a role. Thus the observation that around 45% of conserpin molecules are cleaved non-productively may be a consequence of an RCL sequence built on consensus principles. To test this, and generate a tool protein with a known inhibitory profile, the ...