There are two main types of these diseases. Inherited connective tissue diseases come from genetic problems passed down from your parents. Autoimmune connective tissue diseases happen when your immune system mistakenly attacks your own body.You might get an autoimmune connective tissue disease because of...
Connective Tissue Disease Symptoms Since there are so many connective tissue diseases, your symptoms will depend on the disease you have. In general, though, symptoms may affect your: Bones Joint Skin Heart and blood vessels Lungs (trouble breathing or catching your breath, cough with bloody phleg...
Connective tissue diseases and symptoms associated with Hashimotos thyroiditisAmerican Medical AssociationJournal of the American Medical AssociationBecker KL, Ferguson RH, Mc CW (1963) The connective-tissue diseases and symptoms associated with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. N Engl J Med 268:277–280...
Cause of a mixed connective tissue disease The cause of MCTD is not clear, and some experts believe it may be an earlier stage of one of these other rheumatic conditions. Other mixed connective tissue disease symptoms and signs Joint Pain Low-Grade Fever Malaise Muscle Pain Rash Raynaud's Phe...
How is a connective tissue disorder treated?Medicines may be given to prevent your immune system from attacking healthy cells. You may also need medicines to stop the disease from getting worse. You may need to use topical creams or lotions to control a rash or other symptoms that affect ...
connective tissue diseaseseThe clinical course and symptoms of connective tissue diseases in adolescence is different from the other childhood periods. Both diseases and clinical courses of diseases show significant variations in this period. In this article, it is intended to review connective tissue ...
targets and mechanisms of action. It's important to note that the treatment plan for each individual will be tailored to their specific diagnosis, medical history, and preferences. Often, a combination of therapies may be used to manage symptoms, slow disease progression, and improve quality of ...
最新结缔组织病ConnectiveTissueDisease 结缔组织病ConnectiveTissueDisease 结缔织织病(connectivetissuediseases)包括一组累及多系统、多器官疏松结缔组织的疾病,属于自身免疫性疾病范畴。本组疾病有许多共同特征,如患者血清中可检测出多种自身抗体,组织病理改变主要为淋巴细胞浸润、结缔组织粘液样水肿、纤维蛋白样变性和...
(左) 患者冠状位NECT显示右上肺蜂窝样变(纤维化)及支气管扩张,伴下叶磨玻璃影;肺活检示非特异性间质性肺炎。(右) 横断位NECT显示支气管周围实变影、支气管扩张,少量胸腔积液及张开扩张的食管;活检提示机化性肺炎及非特异性间质性肺炎。 (左) 患者横断位NECT显示基底部网状影、细支气管扩张及伴胸膜下无累及区...
ConnectiveTissueDisease 陈菊萍 扬州大学医学院皮肤性病学教研室 结缔织织病(connectivetissuediseases)包括一组累及多系统、多器官疏松结缔组织的疾病,属于自身免疫性疾病范畴。本组疾病有许多共同特征,如患者血清中可检测出多种自身抗体,组织病理改变主要为淋巴细胞浸润、结缔组织粘液样水肿、纤维蛋白样变性和血管...