1. 确定sshfs read: connection reset by peer错误的可能原因 网络不稳定:网络连接不稳定或中断可能导致 SSH 连接被重置。 SSH 服务器配置问题:SSH 服务器端的配置错误或限制可能导致连接被断开。 资源限制:如连接数过多、带宽限制等,也可能导致连接被重置。 客户端问题:本地 SSHFS 客户端的配置或使用的命令选项...
read: Connection reset by peer 可以看到是由ssh公钥认证导致的,根据上面提示的命令,清除之前对应IP保存的密钥: ssh-keygen -f"/root/.ssh/known_hosts"-R 然后再输入之前的挂载命令根据提示输入密码等操作之后,挂载成功。 sudo sshfs pi@ /home/barry/armbian/mntsysroot_arm32/...
1, sshfs usrname@ ./122 在ubunutu 里面使用 sshfs 命令 映射网络上的文件系统时(samba)到本地时遇到read: Connection reset by peer 问题, 利用sudo sshfs usrname@ ./122 ,root权限去映射的话,虽然不会报错,但是映射后,只能用root权限去 访问,其他...
read:Connectionresetbypeer read:Connectionresetbypeer 造成此种问题的原因有多种,⽬前列下我所遇到过的.1, sshfs usrname@ ./122 在ubunutu ⾥⾯使⽤ sshfs 命令映射⽹络上的⽂件系统时(samba)到本地时遇到read: Connection reset by peer 问题, 利...
Having done this a couple of days ago, I was able to mount using sshfs on my linux client. However, today, having changed nothing, I'm getting "read: Connection reset by peer". To test it, I did an "sftp -v" to the DS, and got: (..only showing the end of the output) ...
$ sshfs -d root@ ~/m -p 22 FUSE library version: 2.9.2 nullpath_ok: 0 nopath: 0 utime_omit_ok: 0 root@'s password: subsystem request failed on channel 0 read: Connection reset by peer $ Is this not possible on Synology? If so, why not? Or in case...
And by the way: a very easy typo (forgetting the final colon on user@host:) can lead to essentially the same error message ("Connection reset by peer"), as you can see: C:\Program Files\SSHFS-Win\bin>.\sshfs.exe -d user@host: X: SSHFS version 3.5.2 executing <ssh> <-x> <-...
read: Connection reset by peer 2014-03-07 11:35 − 造成此种问题的原因有多种,目前列下我所遇到过的. 1, sshfs usrname@ ./122 在ubunutu 里面使用 sshfs 命令 映射网络上的文件系统时(samba)到本地时遇到read: Connection... MR.严 0 10439 < 1 2 3 > 2004...
read: Connection reset by peer 2014-03-07 11:35 −造成此种问题的原因有多种,目前列下我所遇到过的. 1, sshfs usrname@ ./122 在ubunutu 里面使用 sshfs 命令 映射网络上的文件系统时(samba)到本地时遇到read: Connection... ...
Every attempt to connect fails with the error: read: Connection reset by peer As a test I'm using to following command to connect from a Debian box: sshfs -o IdentityFile=~/.ssh/id_rsa user@192.168.1.xx:/volume1/music/ /mnt -o sshfs_debug I've manually modified sshd_config and di...