"sshfs connection reset by peer" 错误信息表明,在使用 SSHFS(SSH Filesystem,一个通过 SSH 协议挂载远程文件系统的工具)时,连接被远程端(peer)重置或关闭了。这通常意味着在数据传输过程中,远程服务器或中间网络设备异常地中断了连接。 2. 可能的原因 网络问题:不稳定的网络连接或网络配置错误可能导致连接中断。
read: Connection reset by peer 可以看到是由ssh公钥认证导致的,根据上面提示的命令,清除之前对应IP保存的密钥: ssh-keygen -f"/root/.ssh/known_hosts"-R 然后再输入之前的挂载命令根据提示输入密码等操作之后,挂载成功。 sudo sshfs pi@ /home/barry/armbian/mntsysroot_arm32/...
read: Connection reset by peer Version is the latest PS C:\Program Files\SSHFS-Win\bin> .\sshfs.exe --version SSHFS version 3.5.2 FUSE library version 3.2 Btw I also get System error 67 has occurred if I try to use the net use X: \\sshfs\pi@\. If I type in ...
debug1: Sending env LANG = en_GB.UTF-8 debug1: Sending subsystem: sftp subsystem request failed on channel 0 Couldn't read packet: Connection reset by peer I've tried to search for answers, but all other past posts that I've found just guide people through enabling SFTP, which I've ...
https://github.com/billziss-gh/sshfs-win SSHFS-Win Manager:https://github.com/evsar3/sshfs-win-manager sshfs-win和SSFHS-Win Mananger直接无脑next即可,winfsp注意在如图所示的界面Core改为Developer 然后,打开SSFHS-Win Mananger ,如图所示 点击add connection按钮 ...
The final result is that when I try to mount folder over ssh via Vagrant I got this error 'read: Connection reset by peer'. Obviously I am doing something wrong but I don't know how to debug it. Here is an output from my terminal: ...
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Step 1: Install SSHFS Client in Linux Systems By defaultsshfspackages does not exists on all major Linux distributions, you need to enableepel repositoryunder your Linux systems to install sshfs with the help ofYumcommand with their dependencies. ...
$ sshfs -d root@ ~/m -p 22 FUSE library version: 2.9.2 nullpath_ok: 0 nopath: 0 utime_omit_ok: 0 root@'s password: subsystem request failed on channel 0 read: Connection reset by peer $ Is this not possible on Synology? If so, why not? Or in case...
read: Connection reset by peer Still the same error. It looks like it is doing some operation that is not supported by the server. What am I doing wrong? Why does mounting work through Explorer? Author xnoreqcommentedAug 17, 2018