dbeaver listener refused the connection with the following error: ora-12514 1. 解释ORA-12514错误的含义 ORA-12514错误是Oracle数据库中的一个常见错误,具体错误信息为“TNS does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor”。这意味着Oracle监听器(Listener)无法识别客户端连接请求中指定的服...
解决Code: 210. DB::NetException: Connection refused (localhost:9000) 1.启动clickhouse -client报错 在网上查询了一下解决方案:修改配置文件:vim /etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml 。listen_host 只留这个配置 <listen_host>::</list... 查看原文 ...
I am trying to set up a connection to an Oracle 11g database via an SSH tunnel, but when I try to connect it just instantly gives me a connection reset error. Manually SSH'ing and connecting to the database works fine. I'm using the ojdbc6 driver from the page that DBeaver told ...
Description Due to infrastructure constraints I am forced to connect to various Oracle databases through a SSH server in between. The functionality in DBeaver is working just fine for standard Oracle databases. However, when I'm trying t...
attempting to connect. In other cases like Dremio , Oracle , Mysql etc DBeaver installed corrects jars Error from DBeaver . Can't create driver instance Error creating driver 'Apache Calcite Avatica' instance. Most likely required jar files are missing. ...
Listener refused the connection with the following error: ORA-12514, TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor 晚网上看了很多说明方法,其实最终的问题,是自己没有把数据库名称改过来。报错是的数据库名称是ORCL。
Calcite > Issue Type: Bug > Components: core, jdbc-adapter > Affects Versions: 1.22.0 > Reporter: kartik > Priority: Major > Attachments: Calcite JDBC-DBeaver-connection-Issue.png, > JDBC-calcite-connection-Error-Message.png > > > I am trying to connect my Oracle database using calcite ...
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