进入维护界面会出现IOException in sending Request :: Connection refused: connect 然后主页出现java.lang.Exception: Exception in sending Request :: 解决方法: $ORACLE_HOME/db_1/$HOSTNAME/sysman/config/emd.properties (我的是C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\\sysman\config) 其中的agent...
在sqldeveloper新建连接时出现以下错误, 只需修改Oracle的SID值即可 状态: 失败 -测试失败: Listener refused the connection with the following error:ORA-12505, TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor 解决方法 1.win + R 输入regedit 打开注册表,找到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SO...
估计是数据库名称错了:jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:myora1;myora1应该是数据库SID,查看当前数据库SID的方法:select INSTANCE_NAME from v$instance; (使用system或sys用户查看)
When opening EM, the error "java.lang.Exception: IOException in sending Request :: Connection refused: connect" is shown at the top of the page. Setting host credentials (e.g. for backup) gives the error "Connection to host as user localadmin failed: IOException in s...
今天突然想用另一台macbook中的sql developer 连接Oracle,于是就将虚拟机的联网方式改为了Bridge(桥接),并且重新配置了静态IP,启动Oracle监听后,sql develoer 连接时出现了Oracle Listener refused the connection with the following error:ORA-12505,TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect ...
Connection refused一般是网络问题,连接不上。还没到数据库验证身份的步骤。
错误:“Connection refused: connect。请验证连接属性,并检查 SQL Server 的实例正在主机上运行,且在此端口接受 TCP/IP 连接,还要确保防火墙没有阻止到此端口的 TCP 连接。确保使用了正确的JDBC驱动程序(注意版本)解决方案: 检查驱动连接语句“con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password);“一句中的端口...
这个错误提示表明 Oracle 数据库监听程序无法找到指定的 SID,导致连接被拒绝。可能的原因包括:
TNS-12564: TNS:connection refused error after setting up Data gaurdMay 31, 2013 8:07AM edited Jan 4, 2019 3:17AM 4 commentsAnswered I have 2 node rac and standby (non RAC) works fine no error in any log...with out DG broker configuration. ...
It should connect to the RACDB.oracle.com service with a dedicated server connection. 151 #9.3.1 RACDB.oracle.com服务将在两个RAC节点上运行:host1,host2 152 9.3.1 The RACDB.oracle.com service will be running on two RAC nodes: host1, host2 153 #9.3.2客户端配置应具有连接时故障转移和...