$dockerps-aCONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS c1893f7eea9f friendlyhello"python app.py"15minutes ago Up16minutes 官方的指导手册说,可以在浏览器中输入地址http://localhost:4000来检测docker是否运行 可惜我无法连接到localhost $ curl http://localhost:4000curl: (7) Failedtoconnecttolocalhost port...
1、如果还没有 docker group 就添加一个 sudo groupadd docker 2、将用户加入该 group 内。然后退出并重新登录就生效啦。 sudo gpasswd -a ${USER} docker 3、重启 docker 服务 sudo service docker restart
要检查Docker服务是否已启用,可以使用以下命令: systemctl is-enableddocker 1. 如果输出为“enabled”,则表示Docker服务已启用。如果输出为“disabled”,则表示Docker服务未启用。 如果Docker服务未启用,您可以使用以下命令启用它: sudosystemctlenabledocker 1. 重新配置Docker守护进程 有时候,Docker守护进程的配置文件可...
Windows环境,在docker里用下面命令启动 docker-compose -f docker-compose-collector.yml up -d 生成Trace,上报时报错: [OkHttp http://localhost:4317/...] ERROR io.opentelemetry.exporter.otlp.internal.grpc.OkHttpGrpcExporter - Failed to export spans. The request could not be executed. Full error mes...
docker.for.mac.localhost docker.for.win.localhost I ran a few quick tests and was able to telnet to docker.for.win.localhost from inside a container. If you have found a problem that seems similar to this, please open a new issue. ...
centos8 使用docker compose时报错:解决 ERROR: Couldn't connect to Docker daemon at http+docker://localhost - is it running? 使用docker-compose version可以看到版本号,证明服务启来了。原因是因为用未加到docker组中。 执行命令:sudo gpasswd -a ${USER} docker 注意:不要更改命令,直接执行即可 ...
【Docker】在本地打包maven程序为docker镜像报错: Connect to localhost:2375 [localhost/, localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1] 2020-05-13 23:34 −... 冰河团队 0 4554 ip & & & localhost 2019-12-24 14:37 −# ip & & 7 localhost > host !
Maven构建Docker镜像报错Connect to localhost:2375 [localhost/, localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1] failed 解决方案。右击任务栏[Docker]图标 点击Settings 勾选红线部分 完美解决
docker run --network="host" alternatively you can run a docker container with network settings set to host. such a container will share the network stack with the docker host and from the container point of view, localhost (or will refer to the docker host. ...
I have packaged a ASP.NET MVC 4.7.2 app to a container image. I would like to test it locally by connecting the app in the container to the host's SQL Server. As suggested from the docker docs, I have substituted all occurrences of localhost in my…